COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
    “Fully Vaccinated” Gibraltar Sees 2500 Percent Increase In “Covid” Cases
    "chinese germs" and "Fauci Flu" ... yeah, this is a respected scientific site.

    C'mon Sid you should be able to do better than that? Well, maybe not.
    ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


    • Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post

      "chinese germs" and "Fauci Flu" ... yeah, this is a respected scientific site.

      C'mon Sid you should be able to do better than that? Well, maybe not.
      Would you like me to post the data directly? I am happy to. BTW I totally agree with the characterization.
      Here is the data from Worldmeter
      Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 15th September, 2021, 04:29 PM.


      • Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post

        "chinese germs" and "Fauci Flu" ... yeah, this is a respected scientific site.

        C'mon Sid you should be able to do better than that? Well, maybe not.
        He can't. Sid is right that delta is what we should be focused on. But to say that the vaccine makes people more susceptible to the delta is absurd. Like him.


        • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post

          He can't. Sid is right that delta is what we should be focused on. But to say that the vaccine makes people more susceptible to the delta is absurd. Like him.
          Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
          people more susceptible to the delta is absurd. Like him.
          More pearls of wisdom from the one who posts provably false stories
          here is one that is true.
          Health Ministry chief says coronavirus spread reaching record heights

          Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash said Tuesday that the current wave of coronavirus infections is surpassing anything seen in previous outbreaks and that he is disappointed that a recent downward trend appeared to be reversing.

          Ash’s remarks via video call to the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee came as Health Ministry figures showed that over 10,000 new COVID-19 cases were diagnosed the day before and that the positive test rate was climbing.

          Ash noted the number of seriously ill ranges between 670 and 700. Every day 70-80 new patients fall seriously ill, slightly fewer than in recent weeks.

          The number of patients on ventilators has climbed in the past ten days from 150 to 190, while the number of those on the more critical ECMO machines rose from 23 to 31, he said.

          National coronavirus czar Salman Zarka, who also participated in the meeting, said that 50 percent of confirmed cases on Monday were children. He said that the Health Ministry was working on the assumption that it will in the future need to deal with a fifth wave of virus infections.

          Zarka said that the ministry will prepare by continuing to use the Green Pass system, asserting that it helps prevent the virus spread, while noting that it would be eased as morbidity drops off.

          On Sunday, several ministers were overheard prior to a cabinet meeting saying that some coronavirus-related restrictions were only aimed at incentivizing vaccination, rather than driving down morbidity.
          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 15th September, 2021, 05:27 PM.


          • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
            Data talks, bullshit walks.
            Sid, media in the United States claims that there are far greater outbreaks of COVID-19 in Republican held states where people who lean to the right tend to get vaccinated less and therefore get infected more often. Canadian media is making the same claims about Alberta, arguably our most conservative, right leaning province. Are these lies?


            • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

              Sid, media in the United States claims that there are far greater outbreaks of COVID-19 in Republican held states where people who lean to the right tend to get vaccinated less and therefore get infected more often. Canadian media is making the same claims about Alberta, arguably our most conservative, right leaning province. Are these lies?
              Brad, the most reliable source of data I have for this is . I can not make a blanket statement, but that is where the data is so you can intelligently be the judge of any story on a case-by-case basis. By the way, the main metric I look for is deaths per million. "Cases" is way too loosey-goosey a term. "

              I think whether it is Republican or Democrat all politicians have completely botched their response to the pandemic by pandering to the pharma narrative that the only solution is vaccinations and allow patients to sicken in place before going to the hospital and put Dr's in a position that they lose their license if they treat early.

              Let's take a look at a state in India (Uttar Pradesh) with a population of 250,000,000. Starting in May they adopted Ivermectin as the prophylactic and therapy of choice for COVID.


              As of today, COVID has been completely eradicated in the state of Uttar Pradesh.while neighboring states that relied solely on vaccines have done much worst


              Uttar Pradesh has only 5.8 % of its population vaccinated compared to 54% in America.

              Uttar Pradesh has been declared COVID-free but was not over-reliant on vaccines.


              Not a bad outcome for some "horse medicine" huh?

              The media politicizes medicine but at the end of the day science and nature present, the blunt truth of results that is all that counts. As Lasker use to say about our favorite game
              "On the chessboard, lies, and hypocrisy do not survive long. The creative combination lays bare the presumption of a lie; the merciless fact, culminating in the checkmate, contradicts the hypocrite."

              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 15th September, 2021, 07:53 PM.


              • Sid, I assure you that I detest "Big Pharma", I suspect that they themselves created and planted this disease so that they could make fantastic amounts of money off of it, and to be sure they have the vast majority of politicians in their filthy pockets. But all of this, if true, does not necessarily mean that vaccinations are not best given the circumstances. I do not trust any of the "data", it may or may not be true, therefore I remain agnostic on the question of "data". But there are huge numbers of doctors and nurses that I see on television who are in despair, shocked, quitting, crying and so forth at the levels of the sickness that they are having to deal with. They tell us that most of the seriously ill now are those not vaccinated, and I believe them. It seems to me that the outbreaks in Republican states and in Alberta, where the percentage of those vaccinated is lower, and the public safety measures fewer, is no coincidence. Vaccines remain a personal choice of course, but I do not think it is proper to dismiss them out of hand. I do agree that alternative methods should be entertained, eating right and exercising to start with, wearing masks and keeping our distance as well, and possibly some of the alternative remedies you have advocated. Once more, yes I think you are right about "Big Pharma" and the politicians, they have created the problem and now they are offering the solution. But this is no reason to reject the solution now that we have the problem.


                • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                  Sid, I assure you that I detest "Big Pharma", I suspect that they themselves created and planted this disease so that they could make fantastic amounts of money off of it, and to be sure they have the vast majority of politicians in their filthy pockets. But all of this, if true, does not necessarily mean that vaccinations are not best given the circumstances. I do not trust any of the "data", it may or may not be true, therefore I remain agnostic on the question of "data". But there are huge numbers of doctors and nurses that I see on television who are in despair, shocked, quitting, crying and so forth at the levels of the sickness that they are having to deal with. They tell us that most of the seriously ill now are those not vaccinated, and I believe them. It seems to me that the outbreaks in Republican states and in Alberta, where the percentage of those vaccinated is lower, and the public safety measures fewer, is no coincidence. Vaccines remain a personal choice of course, but I do not think it is proper to dismiss them out of hand. I do agree that alternative methods should be entertained, eating right and exercising to start with, wearing masks and keeping our distance as well, and possibly some of the alternative remedies you have advocated. Once more, yes I think you are right about "Big Pharma" and the politicians, they have created the problem and now they are offering the solution. But this is no reason to reject the solution now that we have the problem.
                  Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                  and possibly some of the alternative remedies you have advocated
                  Why would govt make medically harmless compounds illegal? If it was really true that they were useless let Dr's do their job and if these "remedies" do not work no one is worst off? Doing nothing is far riskier than treating with a medically harmless compound or nutraceutical, no risk all upside.
                  Why do the NIH and CDC still have do not treat policies prehospitalization in place? Same with Canada. Why did Dr. Fraudsci coronate the "standard of care" as big pharma's expensive Remdesevir in hospitalized patients that is absolutely a proven toxic drug? What we really have is a genocide of Remedesivir poisoning and therapeutic nihilism prehospitalization. The media that is pharma sponsored bombards us with a false stories about all of this. Nothing to do with politics and everything to do with pharma corrupted genocide.

                  Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                  Vaccines remain a personal choice of course, .
                  No, it is not a personal choice, in violation of the Nuremberg code citizens in countries are being coerced into experimental therapy. Consider this highly
                  emotional video from a Professor of Ethics at the University of Western Ontario.

                  Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                  do not think it is proper to dismiss them out of hand.
                  Do you really think I dismiss things out of hand??? Are you joking?

                  Here is an analysis of a fully vaccinated nation including the third booster shot. Israel agreed to be the experimental flagship being fully vaccinated
                  by February and recently with the third booster shot in August. It is not working and we are seeing the same scenario playing out in the Uk and Gibralter
                  following the same trajectory as Israel.

                  I have the data directly from the source in case you want to try to shoot the messenger and i will post that here too if you want.
                  Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Thursday, 16th September, 2021, 09:51 AM.


                  • This is heartbreaking! :

                    An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine.

                    Instead, thousands of readers reported of loved ones who died after vaccination and, even worse, dying from adverse reactions to the vaccine.



                    • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                      This is heartbreaking! :

                      An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine.

                      Instead, thousands of readers reported of loved ones who died after vaccination and, even worse, dying from adverse reactions to the vaccine.

                      Newsflash: they are lying.
                      They are exactly like you, Sid. They will do anything to push their agenda, just like you accuse the other side of.


                      • Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210916-135010_Reddit.jpg
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ID:	215523


                        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                          No, as you can see, I already took that into account by dividing total deaths into the size of the vaccinated versus unvaccinated cases to come up with a death rate, not an absolute number.
                          Sid, your reply suggests to me that you have missed my main point.
                          I am not questioning your math, but the quality of your conclusion.

                          We are both using death rates, not absolute numbers. Good for us!
                          And your math is just fine. I have used precisely the same calculation but for each of the two age categories. We are using the same data, but I am drilling down a level.

                          You started this by posting data from a credible source, Public Health England, so congrats and thank you for that. But then you made the bold statement “double vaxxed are dying at a rate 434% higher than the unvaccinated”. Well, that got my attention. So I says to myself, that don’t sound right!. I quickly scanned the 36 page report to see if the authors had come to the same conclusion or at least commented on this statistic. Nothing. Did they miss this stunning discovery, or perhaps Sid has jumped to conclusions? I think more the later.

                          Please go back and review my worksheet. The 2 age groups are very different:

                          <50 = much larger group, very low death rates.
                          >50 = much smaller group, very high death rates.

                          My experience has been often when you combine 2 very different groups, stats on the combined group can become meaningless or misleading. I think that is what is happening here. I don’t know the technical term for this phenomenon, but maybe there is a mathematician out there who can tell us. I am sure I have failed to convince you so far, but consider this:

                          Unvaccinated are dying at a rate 327% higher than the vaccinated for those 50 years and older.

                          I can make that statement with the same veracity as your statement using the same study.

                          Now, I am not making that statement. It is only 1 study and the data for <50 leaves some unanswered questions.

                          Still happy to be double vaccinated. :)

                          Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Thursday, 16th September, 2021, 02:27 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                            Sid, your reply suggests to me that you have missed my main point.
                            I am not questioning your math, but the quality of your conclusion.

                            We are both using death rates, not absolute numbers. Good for us!
                            And your math is just fine. I have used precisely the same calculation but for each of the two age categories. We are using the same data, but I am drilling down a level.

                            You started this by posting data from a credible source, Public Health England, so congrats and thank you for that. But then you made the bold statement “double vaxxed are dying at a rate 434% higher than the unvaccinated”. Well, that got my attention. So I says to myself, that don’t sound right!. I quickly scanned the 36 page report to see if the authors had come to the same conclusion or at least commented on this statistic. Nothing. Did they miss this stunning discovery, or perhaps Sid has jumped to conclusions? I think more the later.

                            Please go back and review my worksheet. The 2 age groups are very different:

                            <50 = much larger group, very low death rates.
                            >50 = much smaller group, very high death rates.

                            My experience has been often when you combine 2 very different groups, stats on the combined group can become meaningless or misleading. I think that is what is happening here. I don’t know the technical term for this phenomenon, but maybe there is a mathematician out there who can tell us. I am sure I have failed to convince you so far, but consider this:

                            Unvaccinated are dying at a rate 327% higher than the vaccinated for those 50 years and older.

                            I can make that statement with the same veracity as your statement using the same study.

                            Now, I am not making that statement. It is only 1 study and the data for <50 leaves some unanswered questions.

                            Still happy to be double vaccinated. :)
                            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                            Unvaccinated are dying at a rate 327% higher than the vaccinated for those 50 years and older.
                            You mean 50 and younger don't you?

                            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                            Still happy to be double vaccinated. :)
                            It might surprise you but I am happy to hear that. On the slim chance you run into a variant you are not inoculated against ie (the current (COVID Virus out there) or you have
                            an adverse event, I know Dr's that are willing to risk their licenses to treat you. In Israel, the vaccines worked well for a while and then stopped as the new variant took over as per my previous post to Brad. Canada started later than Isreal so you might not see this happen for another few months.
                            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Thursday, 16th September, 2021, 02:54 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                              Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20210916-135010_Reddit.jpg Views:	0 Size:	20.5 KB ID:	215523
                              And the European Medicines agency is lying also? 50% of these injuries are listed as serious injuries. The best is your post about the Dr who made up stories about IVM injuries being so numerous that the hospital could not care for people. The hospital had to put out a notice denying it. Why the F*ck would a Dr put out a story like that? The difference between you and I is you post things that have ZERO basis in fact. Could all fthse people being lying? Could VAERS all be liars even though it is mostly medical professionals that file and NON anonoymous individuals under the threat of serious criminal penalties.
                              Where is your evidence? NewsFlash you don't have any!

                              Click image for larger version  Name:	eudra Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 7.03.25 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	1.35 MB ID:	215527
                              Nest you will tell me all these poor souls from New Zealand in the link below are lying. How about the yellow card system in the UK with horrific safety profiles? The whole world is lying? call me a conspiracy theorist?? Get a grip on yourself and do some honest due diligence. By the way, do you know why Bitchiute is so popular now??.. nothing to do with right or left it is about theYoutube fascists censoring Dr's and scientists and anyone else that questions the Vaccine narrative.

                              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Thursday, 16th September, 2021, 02:56 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                                You mean 50 and younger don't you?

                                "​​​​​​Unvaccinated are dying at a rate 327% higher than the vaccinated for those 50 years and older."

                                Is exactly what I meant to say.

