COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

    Let's test the theory that North Dakota has achieved herd immunity.
    If it has, then their numbers should begin a downward slope. Correct?
    Well, I suppose there will be a lag from cases to deaths, but a starting point would be their numbers as of this yesterday.

    North Dakota

    Total cases - 79,252
    Deaths - 927
    Active Cases - 6,477
    Recovered - 71,848
    Deaths per million - 1,216
    Population - 762,062

    So whereas it would be great if we were already at some kind of functional herd immunity, that doesn't seem to be the reality. I really have ZERO PROBLEM being corrected! However, from what I'm reading, there's no expectation of herd immunity pretty well anywhere for at least another year. If that's true, then it seems quite dangerous to act as if we're cresting into herd immunity now?!


    • i
      Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

      For every swab tested positive case, there are expected to be 6 to 10 serologically positive individuals....
      Expected by whom and onwhat actual evidence? in B.C. I heard that seriological tests showed a likely infection rate of around 10% but I might be wrong and will listen to actual evidence, but not "expected" evidence. 10% is *way* too low for herd immunity. It has only ever been achieved after extensive vaccination programs.


      • I would think not even close to herd immunity and then there is the death toll - 27 today and almost quadruple over the last two months.


        • Originally posted by Sam Sharpe View Post
          My IQ goes down almost every time I read something in this thread. Soon I will be as smart as some of the posters!

          Any craziness we are seeing here is dwarfed by what is coming out of right wing circles in the U.S. We are seeing a Republican Congressman recommend execution (even drawing and quartering) someone who disagrees with his own viewpoint. We are seeing accusations of criminality throughout the entire U.S. election system by a member of the legal bar (Sidney Powell). And of course, as all this and more nonsense goes on, we see millions of Trump supporters agreeing with it all.

          I have my own theory, and I don't call it a conspiracy theory because there is no conspiracy. It is an insanity theory. I believe that millions of Americans are slowly going insane from marijuana use -- regular and prolonged marijuana use.

          I've asked myself over and over, how can such illogical thinking be going on to such a massive scale? Well, let's face it, marijuana use in the U.S. is on an equally massive scale. it would not surprise me if more than 50% of Americans are both regular and long-term marijuana users.

          And I have seen my own share of marijuana users. The long-term ones (20 years regular use or more) are, almost to a fault, all suffering from paranoia, delusions, or at the very least are believers in all kinds of conspiracy theories that people who don't use marijuana would easily reject.

          If you want to object to my explanation, that is fine, but please provide an alternate explanation of your own as to why so many people at this time in history are going totally delusional. It wasn't happening in the '60s, the '70s, the '80's, the '90's. It started happening in the 2000s and has accelerated since, which is in perfect sync with the aging of the baby boomers, the ones who initially got big into regular marijuana usage.


          • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

            Any craziness we are seeing here is dwarfed by what is coming out of right wing circles in the U.S. We are seeing a Republican Congressman recommend execution (even drawing and quartering) someone who disagrees with his own viewpoint. We are seeing accusations of criminality throughout the entire U.S. election system by a member of the legal bar (Sidney Powell). And of course, as all this and more nonsense goes on, we see millions of Trump supporters agreeing with it all.

            I have my own theory, and I don't call it a conspiracy theory because there is no conspiracy. It is an insanity theory. I believe that millions of Americans are slowly going insane from marijuana use -- regular and prolonged marijuana use.

            I've asked myself over and over, how can such illogical thinking be going on to such a massive scale? Well, let's face it, marijuana use in the U.S. is on an equally massive scale. it would not surprise me if more than 50% of Americans are both regular and long-term marijuana users.

            And I have seen my own share of marijuana users. The long-term ones (20 years regular use or more) are, almost to a fault, all suffering from paranoia, delusions, or at the very least are believers in all kinds of conspiracy theories that people who don't use marijuana would easily reject.

            If you want to object to my explanation, that is fine, but please provide an alternate explanation of your own as to why so many people at this time in history are going totally delusional. It wasn't happening in the '60s, the '70s, the '80's, the '90's. It started happening in the 2000s and has accelerated since, which is in perfect sync with the aging of the baby boomers, the ones who initially got big into regular marijuana usage.
            Interesting theory ................................................................................................................sorry for the pause - just grabbing a quick toke. My theory (which isn't really mine; it's just a theory that seems logical to me) is that the U.S. meritocracy is under severe pressure because the powerful and wealthy want a bigger and bigger piece of the pie. They're slowly closing off access to the top which is creating a permanent underclass of disgruntled people. And we all know what can happen when the people are angry (e.g. 1917?).
            "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
            "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
            "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


            • ..........
              Last edited by Sam Sharpe; Saturday, 5th November, 2022, 07:20 PM.


              • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                Interesting theory ................................................................................................................sorry for the pause - just grabbing a quick toke. My theory (which isn't really mine; it's just a theory that seems logical to me) is that the U.S. meritocracy is under severe pressure because the powerful and wealthy want a bigger and bigger piece of the pie. They're slowly closing off access to the top which is creating a permanent underclass of disgruntled people. And we all know what can happen when the people are angry (e.g. 1917?).
                Sorry, meant to continue the thought but got distracted. EZ Listening fm was playing Helter Skelter. Two quick, related examples of how access to the top in the U.S. is being squeezed:
                • The huge cost of a university education, and the substantial debt load that goes with it, if you're not part of the academic or athletic elites that qualify for scholarships.
                • The vast disparities in the quality of elementary and secondary education in the U.S. depending on how tony or not-so-tony your zip code is.
                "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                • Just saw this:


                  Congratulations to Dr. Fauci.

                  Hey people, seeing his name in a positive light twigged a memory: was there, or was there not, a poster in this thread who accused Dr. Fauci of committing crimes against humanity and being a perpetrator in an attempted genocide? I was sure there was but when I tried to find the relevant posts, I couldn't. Does anyone remember this or should I be reducing average tokes per day?
                  "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                  "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                  "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                  • 63% increase in the number of US millionaires during the all-to-brief 4 years of Trump's amazing presidency.

                    If you can and I doubt you can ... but just for a sec put down your flag & lock in a sock ... consider that increase from about 11 million people to about 18 million people in just 4 short years.

                    That's a lot of people! Yes?

                    People can & do find a way through the socialist snow job ... seriously they do! 18+ million of them in the US alone. Ha!


                    But hey, if you want to 'exist' with your snout permanently in the government's trough all your 'life' ...go for it. Free rent, free education, guaranteed income ...etc.

                    Have at it ...sigh.

                    When get a chance look up the difference between ... dependent and independent.

                    Last edited by Neil Frarey; Friday, 4th December, 2020, 12:23 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                      as all this and more nonsense goes on, we see millions of Trump supporters agreeing with it all.

                      I have my own theory, and I don't call it a conspiracy theory because there is no conspiracy. It is an insanity theory. I believe that millions of Americans are slowly going insane from marijuana use -- regular and prolonged marijuana use.

                      I've asked myself over and over, how can such illogical thinking be going on to such a massive scale? Well, let's face it, marijuana use in the U.S. is on an equally massive scale. it would not surprise me if more than 50% of Americans are both regular and long-term marijuana users.

                      The chemical stuff you allude to is generally the forte of Democrats....for Republicans it is the opium of religion...


                      • Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post

                        I'm curious: if it's just politics, then why do so many countries across the world recommend masks? The United States, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, the UK, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Germany, France, South Africa, India, etc. Even Brazil implemented a mask mandate. It seems like every major country I look at recommends and often requires masks to be worn in certain situations. Is it all just a big conspiracy? Did the doctors and scientists all across the world get together and decide to lie to everyone because of politics?
                        Lucas, that is an excellent question. The short answer is government''s around the world have been corrupted by big pharma in their zeal to rush to vaccinate world the world with a rushed therefore unsafe vaccine. This is not the first time in history it has happened. In 2010 big pharma created a fake pandemic with the h1n1 virus that turned out to be far less lethal then advertised. Here is a great article from back then. By the way just like now they managed to sell to governments around the world vaccines that ultimately never got distributed because the pandemic ended.Forbes tried to delete this article in 2020 but it was archived

                        By the way I did go through all of the papers you posted on masks and commented on each a few months ago here on this chess forum. Virtually all of the meta studies for masks pre-2020 show that they have no efficacy whatsoever in stopping MRNA viruses. Having healthy asymptomatic people wear masks serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

                        The recent papers you put forward are pseudoscience and by the many important papers do not say "more research needed" as you have asserted that this is boiler plate language in all scientific papers. Papers with conclusive results do not state this, this is the jargon for 2020 pseudoscience papers.

                        Many examples of pseudoscience have been produced in 2020.

                        1) The most compelling is by the CDC itself (funded by big pharma) supported by Dr Briant's observation that Seasonal flu and heart attacks were drastically reduced this year as a cause of death and it just happened that COVID19 rose by the identical amount. The CDC has now chosen not to publish flu stats at all instead lumping it together with COVID19.

                        2) John Hopkins University publishes a world wide COVID Statististics map that supposedly gets it data from the WHO CDC and individual countries around the world. The source code is open source and can be viewed on github as well as the data base repository for countries to submit their stats.
                        Sounds great, but when you actually look at the code on github (I did) it is controlled and authored by two members of the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the data they actually populate the map from is synthetic from their own database and they do not use the main database. In fact on github they actually insisted for example they are not reporting Taiwan separately but as part of China.
                        Let me show you some entries on the github repository that you do not have to be a programmer to understand.

                        A) This is the link to the famous John Hopkins University map that media outlets around the world rely on for COVID Stats.

                        B) Here is the profile of the CCP member that controls the source code and data base entries
                        These are some of his achievements listed
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2020-12-04 at 5.23.10 AM.png
Views:	164
Size:	158.6 KB
ID:	210307

                        His scholarship is courtesy of the CCP, even though he got his scholarship from the CCP he relocated as an Msc student to the US eventually finding his way over to the JHU.

                        In 2014 he created his personal git hub account and the proceeded to clone this code to create the JHU COVID19 map in 2015

                        Before any COVID19 Data was available in January of 2020 our friend is busy creating his own right here


                        Here is the first database entry of Feb 4th 2020 when worldwide stats did not exist

                        They entry came from his personal account

                        The github account has an issue tracker and countries around the world continually complain that the data they submitted does not match the data that actually
                        populates the map (that is always much higher!)

                        The authors are real Chinese patriots steadfast in their refusal to list data separately for Taiwan instead including it as part of Chine

                        Still not convinced? Let me show you a scatter plot for US data where no Mondays and Tuesdays the number of deaths is ALWAYS lower then the rest of the week. Is the virus really that smart to take a break on Mondays and Tuesdays or perhaps the data is synthesized.
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	John Hopkins COVID19 data reorganized 2020-11-28 at 6.37.45 PM.png
Views:	134
Size:	777.6 KB
ID:	210306

                        {"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tJohn Hopkins COVID19 data reorganized 2020-11-28 at 6.37.45 PM.png Views:\t0 Size:\t777.6 KB ID:\t210305","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"210305","data-size":"full","title":"John Hopkins COVID19 data reorganized 2020-11-28 at 6.37.45 PM.png"}

                        So we have fake data from JHU and the CDC designed to terrorize a population into taking vaccines even though the virus is easily treatable when treated early. the data supporting that is overwhelming this website collects papers on many early interventions.

                        Here is the most egregious example of Big Pharma suppressing an early treatment as it competes with their vaccine agenda .


                        The CCP has every reason to create a "PLANDEMIC" and use the WHO that they control to do it

                        The main one being that Trump was very hard on them in trade negotiations and so they released a bioweapon on the world to slow down his momentum wreck the US economy and make him look bad. and his many US opponents were more then happy to collaborate.


                        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 4th December, 2020, 07:18 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                          Lucas, that is an excellent question. The short answer is government''s around the world have been corrupted by big pharma in their zeal to rush to vaccinate world the world with a rushed therefore unsafe vaccine. This is not the first time in history it has happened. In 2010 big pharma created a fake pandemic with the h1n1 virus that turned out to be far less lethal then advertised. Here is a great article from back then. By the way just like now they managed to sell to governments around the world vaccines that ultimately never got distributed because the pandemic ended.Forbes tried to delete this article in 2020 but it was archived

                          By the way I did go through all of the papers you posted on masks and commented on each a few months ago here on this chess forum. Virtually all of the meta studies for masks pre-2020 show that they have no efficacy whatsoever in stopping MRNA viruses. Having healthy asymptomatic people wear masks serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

                          The recent papers you put forward are pseudoscience and by the many important papers do not say "more research needed" as you have asserted that this is boiler plate language in all scientific papers. Papers with conclusive results do not state this, this is the jargon for 2020 pseudoscience papers.

                          Many examples of pseudoscience have been produced in 2020.

                          1) The most compelling is by the CDC itself (funded by big pharma) supported by Dr Briant's observation that Seasonal flu and heart attacks were drastically reduced this year as a cause of death and it just happened that COVID19 rose by the identical amount. The CDC has now chosen not to publish flu stats at all instead lumping it together with COVID19.

                          2) John Hopkins University publishes a world wide COVID Statististics map that supposedly gets it data from the WHO CDC and individual countries around the world. The source code is open source and can be viewed on github as well as the data base repository for countries to submit their stats.
                          Sounds great, but when you actually look at the code on github (I did) it is controlled and authored by two members of the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the data they actually populate the map from is synthetic from their own database and they do not use the main database. In fact on github they actually insisted for example they are not reporting Taiwan separately but as part of China.
                          Let me show you some entries on the github repository that you do not have to be a programmer to understand.

                          A) This is the link to the famous John Hopkins University map that media outlets around the world rely on for COVID Stats.

                          B) Here is the profile of the CCP member that controls the source code and data base entries
                          These are some of his achievements listed
                          Click image for larger version  Name:	Screen Shot 2020-12-04 at 5.23.10 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	158.6 KB ID:	210307

                          His scholarship is courtesy of the CCP, even though he got his scholarship from the CCP he relocated as an Msc student to the US eventually finding his way over to the JHU.

                          In 2014 he created his personal git hub account and the proceeded to clone this code to create the JHU COVID19 map in 2015

                          Before any COVID19 Data was available in January of 2020 our friend is busy creating his own right here


                          Here is the first database entry of Feb 4th 2020 when worldwide stats did not exist

                          They entry came from his personal account

                          The github account has an issue tracker and countries around the world continually complain that the data they submitted does not match the data that actually
                          populates the map (that is always much higher!)

                          The authors are real Chinese patriots steadfast in their refusal to list data separately for Taiwan instead including it as part of Chine

                          Still not convinced? Let me show you a scatter plot for US data where no Mondays and Tuesdays the number of deaths is ALWAYS lower then the rest of the week. Is the virus really that smart to take a break on Mondays and Tuesdays or perhaps the data is synthesized.
                          Click image for larger version  Name:	John Hopkins COVID19 data reorganized 2020-11-28 at 6.37.45 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	777.6 KB ID:	210306

                          {"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tJohn Hopkins COVID19 data reorganized 2020-11-28 at 6.37.45 PM.png Views:\t0 Size:\t777.6 KB ID:\t210305","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"210305","data-size":"full","title":"John Hopkins COVID19 data reorganized 2020-11-28 at 6.37.45 PM.png"}

                          So we have fake data from JHU and the CDC designed to terrorize a population into taking vaccines even though the virus is easily treatable when treated early. the data supporting that is overwhelming this website collects papers on many early interventions.

                          Here is the most egregious example of Big Pharma suppressing an early treatment as it competes with their vaccine agenda .


                          The CCP has every reason to create a "PLANDEMIC" and use the WHO that they control to do it

                          The main one being that Trump was very hard on them in trade negotiations and so they released a bioweapon on the world to slow down his momentum wreck the US economy and make him look bad. and his many US opponents were more then happy to collaborate.


                          Quoted for posterity. Nothing else to say at the moment.
                          "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                          "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                          "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                          • Thank goodness, we have Sid, right here on a chess forum, to overturn years of science, as he rails against big pharma and tells us that doctors want people to wear masks to take away their individuality. And there is no need to worry about the virus as it is easily treated. Forget that thousands each day die. Sid knows best. Forget the people who work their entire life on these issues. Sid knows best.

                            I think you should take your crap over to Parler or 8chan. You will find lots of people there who will eat your crap up.
                            Last edited by Brian Profit; Friday, 4th December, 2020, 12:34 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post
                              The chemical stuff you allude to is generally the forte of Democrats....for Republicans it is the opium of religion...
                              To say that only democrats use drugs is a bit rich. That is like saying that republicans are the party of law and order. It is just not true any longer.


                              • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                                Thank goodness, we have Sid, right here on a chess forum, to overturn years of science, as he rails against big pharma and tells us that doctors want people to wear masks to take away their individuality. And there is no need to worry about the virus as it is easily treated. Forget that thousands each day die. Sid knows best. Forget the people who work their entire life on these issues. Sid knows best.

                                I think you should take your crap over to Parler or 8chan. You will find lots of people there who will eat your crap up.
                                No Brian, I have cited thousands of papers from scientists that
                                support what I am saying. People like you are part of the problem that are so ignorant as to believe it is a good idea
                                nort to treat a disease on early on set of symptoms and wait
                                until it is too late.
                                It is you who should peddle your baseless BS elsewhere

