COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

    Zinc is getting hard to find in stores aside from the lozenges which are useless. D3 is available everywhere. It is odd that it would be banned in eldercare facilities. Most of the people that die have a deficiency. I have been taking one zinc 50 mg and four D3 1000 IU 25mcg tablets per day and have been told that taking up to eight D3 tablets a day with meals including a fatty component is advisable according to a doctor with underlying conditions who credits it with making his Covid infection less of a problem than a cold (two days of mild headache, temporary loss of smell and taste).

    Hydroxychloroquine works but its out of patent and big Pharma can't make money on it. It must be crushed.
    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
    It is odd that it would be banned in eldercare facilities .
    Yes it is odd. Eldercide is very odd. See page 30 of this remarkable document ..

    Click image for larger version

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    • Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
      Here is an interesting "status" page of COVID-19 in Canada... just came across this from a post in Twitter, so still absorbing some of the info:
      Many thanks Kerry. This looks like much of the summary Canada wide data I was looking for.

      Looks like it comes to us courtesy of U of T students?

      According to this site, Vaccines so far in Canada.
      Cumulative # of Vaccine doses
      administered in Canada to date
      as of Jan 2/2021
      at 21:51 pm EST
      Ontario 34,685
      Quebec 29,250
      BC 17,510
      Alberta 14,244
      Saskatchewan 3,722
      Manitoba 3,432
      New Brunswick 2,905
      Nova Scotia 2,596
      Newfoundland 1,950
      PEI 1,950
      NT 2
      NU -
      Yukon -
      RP -
      Total Canada 112,246

      A long way to go.

      Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Sunday, 3rd January, 2021, 04:08 PM.


      • We haqd a friend in Long term care and he paid two dollars a day to get a vitamin D tablet. So I don't believe Vitamin D is banned its just not administered unless you pay.


        • Originally posted by John Brown View Post
          We haqd a friend in Long term care and he paid two dollars a day to get a vitamin D tablet. So I don't believe Vitamin D is banned its just not administered unless you pay.
          It is not a religion, these are the guidelines put out by those in charge of Quebec Geriatric facilities, check out page 30. I have interviewed a few nurses who have worked at the Quebec eldercare facilities. Some were told if a person was sick with no friends or family not to hydrate them or administer them with IV. Just sit and watch them die. This is not unique and in fact Sweden has had similar eye witness evidence and it is even caught on videos in the US.

          By the way, $2.00 a day for a single vitamin D tablet is extortion!

          Click image for larger version  Name:	Screen Shot 2021-01-03 at 11.56.48 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	710.6 KB ID:	210869

          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 5th January, 2021, 08:36 AM.


          • Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post

            I suppose Jesus sent the vaccine? I'm surprised Pence can even speak - his lips are firmly planted on Potus' back side.
            Thankfully he and Potus will soon be just ordinary criminals.
            Their day is coming quick?


            • Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

              Within the world's total of COVID-19 deaths ... I wonder how many of the those souls played chess?

              Over the last little while I've been creating an homage, prolly not the correct word, for our fallen sisters & brothers.

              More on that coming real soon-ish.

              Final study...

              Click image for larger version

Name:	chessplayershomage_v.2.gif
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ID:	210930

              ...if all goes well I'll drop this 'homage' to our fallen brothers & sisters this coming Sunday.


              • Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

                Their day is coming quick?
                I was frankly quite surprised by Pence growing a pair during the 'seige' of the Capitol building (and just before) by ignoring Trump and others who were erroneously calling for him to somehow overturn the Electoral college results. Pence understood that he cannot do that. His words on resumption of the joint session (after the mob was booted out) were a clear indication that he has
                a sense of history and some backbone. I yield the floor to the V.P.
                I hope he does attend the inauguration to at least represent the previous administration (it seems Trump will mercifully decline to sully the event with his presence).
                I had zero respect for Pence before this point in time and now I have a little respect.

                As for the many GOP representatives who continue to parrot Trump's insanity: a pox on them all.
                ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                • Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post

                  I was frankly quite surprised by Pence growing a pair during the 'seige' of the Capitol building (and just before) by ignoring Trump and others who were erroneously calling for him to somehow overturn the Electoral college results. Pence understood that he cannot do that. His words on resumption of the joint session (after the mob was booted out) were a clear indication that he has
                  a sense of history and some backbone. I yield the floor to the V.P.
                  I hope he does attend the inauguration to at least represent the previous administration (it seems Trump will mercifully decline to sully the event with his presence).
                  I had zero respect for Pence before this point in time and now I have a little respect.

                  As for the many GOP representatives who continue to parrot Trump's insanity: a pox on them all.
                  What exactly is ...inciting violence... ? Is it calling for Pence to be killed / executed via hanging ... is that 'inciting violence'?

                  Seriously, is it? When you call for someone's DEATH is that an act of 'inciting violence'?

                  Early into Trump's presidency there was an act of violence to sever his head ... decapitate a sitting President!!! That was done by Kathy Griffin who STILL has over 2 MILLION followers on Twitter ... yes, that Twitter!!! And, Just a little later on from that act of violence was another act of violence to execute Trump via gangster' bullet to Trump's head. That act of violence was done by Snoop Dogg who has over 19 MILLION followers on Twitter ... yes, that Twitter!!!

                  And what is a siege? Is it the burning / looting / violence / fire bombing police ... day after day after day after day ... week after week after week ... while Democratic Mayors in those cities refuse Trump's help via National Guard ... are those acts of violence??? Are those a siege???

                  The way the 'left' persecuted Trump, and his family, over the course of the last 5 years (yes, 5) was BRUTAL!


                  • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                    Please educate yourself, else we really have nothing to discuss. The very crux of my argument is that the virus is easily treatable.and has been suppressed by Big Pharma with competing interests! The result has been a horrific societal disaster. Wuhan China is an excellent example they locked down their own inhabits and yet sent plane loads around the world to infect countries with the virus they created there.
                    You are purposely exaggerating and making false statements. The "plane loads" of people "sent" around the world were mainly non-residents of Wuhan retiurning to their homes from visiting their friends or relatives in Wuhan for the Chinese New Year festivities. The Chinese government did not "send" plane loads of infected people around the world!!!! Also, once the lockdowns were in place, no one was going OUT of Wuhan. The message you are trying to convey is disgusting nonsense.

                    Educate yourself!!!

                    Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                    The lock downs in the US and Canada were every bit as viscous as those in China.
                    Are you daft? This is from today's news, January 9 20201:

                    "BEIJING — It took just 39 new coronavirus cases for health authorities in China to put almost 11 million people into lockdown in the city of Shijiazhuang. Health officials took no chances on Wednesday, sealing off the capital of the industrial Hebei province and ordering a mass testing drive.Travel restrictions were put in place in the remainder of the region, which encircles China's capital Beijing and is home to some 76 million people.

                    This hard-and-fast approach is being echoed elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region to fend off coronavirus flare-ups — including in Japan, Thailand and Australia — making measures to curb the virus spread in Europe and the United States appear almost sluggish.

                    For residents of the provincial capital, Shijiazhuang, travel out of the city was barred and gatherings banned. Schools were closed down, while flights and trains were cancelled and the main bus terminal shut. Nearby, officials in the city of Nangong announced on the social platform WeChat that they would offer rewards of 500 Yuan ($77) for reports of anyone refusing a Covid-19 test.

                    "People should fully understand the necessity of this approach," Shi Mo, a graduate student in Shijiazhuang, told NBC News.

                    Although it would take some social and psychological adjustments, Shi likened the lockdown to preparing for a protracted war.

                    Educate yourself!!!

                    Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                    And yet Wuhan is now fine. They are laughing at the world! By the way they China was the first to make HCQ-Zn combos a standards of care for early interventions!
                    If that is true, and it may be (I don't know), it presents a problem. If both a severe lockdown AND the early intervention are taking place at the same time, is it one, or the other, or both that is working to prevent the kind of scenario we have in North America? Anyway, I have no dispute with your argument for early intervention unless there is data to show it does more harm than good, but again, Wuhan is not the example you want to use. Is there anywhere in the world that they had no lockdowns AND used early intervention as you describe, and they have very low case numbers even to this day? If yes, then THAT is the example you should be drilling into us.

                    Educate yourself!!!

                    Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                    Here is what Fascism looks like in our country! A family gathering of 6 people enjoying their holiday in Gatineau when the police break in like the Gestapo and drag members off to jail!
                    The scream of the mother are gut wrenching!

                    Just imagine how much MORE gut-wrenching the screams would be if the mother were watching her family members DIE ON A VENTILATOR.

                    Educate yourself!!!


                    • Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post

                      I was frankly quite surprised by Pence growing a pair during the 'seige' of the Capitol building (and just before) by ignoring Trump and others who were erroneously calling for him to somehow overturn the Electoral college results. Pence understood that he cannot do that. His words on resumption of the joint session (after the mob was booted out) were a clear indication that he has
                      a sense of history and some backbone. I yield the floor to the V.P.
                      I hope he does attend the inauguration to at least represent the previous administration (it seems Trump will mercifully decline to sully the event with his presence).
                      I had zero respect for Pence before this point in time and now I have a little respect.

                      As for the many GOP representatives who continue to parrot Trump's insanity: a pox on them all.
                      Good points Kerry.


                      • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                        You are purposely exaggerating and making false statements. The "plane loads" of people "sent" around the world were mainly non-residents of Wuhan retiurning to their homes from visiting their friends or relatives in Wuhan for the Chinese New Year festivities. The Chinese government did not "send" plane loads of infected people around the world!!!! Also, once the lockdowns were in place, no one was going OUT of Wuhan. The message you are trying to convey is disgusting nonsense.

                        Educate yourself!!!

                        Are you daft? This is from today's news, January 9 20201:

                        "BEIJING — It took just 39 new coronavirus cases for health authorities in China to put almost 11 million people into lockdown in the city of Shijiazhuang. Health officials took no chances on Wednesday, sealing off the capital of the industrial Hebei province and ordering a mass testing drive.Travel restrictions were put in place in the remainder of the region, which encircles China's capital Beijing and is home to some 76 million people.

                        This hard-and-fast approach is being echoed elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region to fend off coronavirus flare-ups — including in Japan, Thailand and Australia — making measures to curb the virus spread in Europe and the United States appear almost sluggish.

                        For residents of the provincial capital, Shijiazhuang, travel out of the city was barred and gatherings banned. Schools were closed down, while flights and trains were cancelled and the main bus terminal shut. Nearby, officials in the city of Nangong announced on the social platform WeChat that they would offer rewards of 500 Yuan ($77) for reports of anyone refusing a Covid-19 test.

                        "People should fully understand the necessity of this approach," Shi Mo, a graduate student in Shijiazhuang, told NBC News.

                        Although it would take some social and psychological adjustments, Shi likened the lockdown to preparing for a protracted war.

                        Educate yourself!!!

                        If that is true, and it may be (I don't know), it presents a problem. If both a severe lockdown AND the early intervention are taking place at the same time, is it one, or the other, or both that is working to prevent the kind of scenario we have in North America? Anyway, I have no dispute with your argument for early intervention unless there is data to show it does more harm than good, but again, Wuhan is not the example you want to use. Is there anywhere in the world that they had no lockdowns AND used early intervention as you describe, and they have very low case numbers even to this day? If yes, then THAT is the example you should be drilling into us.

                        Educate yourself!!!

                        Just imagine how much MORE gut-wrenching the screams would be if the mother were watching her family members DIE ON A VENTILATOR.

                        Educate yourself!!!
                        Thanks Pargat for taking the time to compile that thorough post!


                        • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                          You are purposely exaggerating and making false statements. The "plane loads" of people "sent" around the world were mainly non-residents of Wuhan retiurning to their homes from visiting their friends or relatives in Wuhan for the Chinese New Year festivities. The Chinese government did not "send" plane loads of infected people around the world!!!! Also, once the lockdowns were in place, no one was going OUT of Wuhan. The message you are trying to convey is disgusting nonsense.

                          Educate yourself!!!

                          Are you daft? This is from today's news, January 9 20201:

                          "BEIJING — It took just 39 new coronavirus cases for health authorities in China to put almost 11 million people into lockdown in the city of Shijiazhuang. Health officials took no chances on Wednesday, sealing off the capital of the industrial Hebei province and ordering a mass testing drive.Travel restrictions were put in place in the remainder of the region, which encircles China's capital Beijing and is home to some 76 million people.

                          This hard-and-fast approach is being echoed elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region to fend off coronavirus flare-ups — including in Japan, Thailand and Australia — making measures to curb the virus spread in Europe and the United States appear almost sluggish.

                          For residents of the provincial capital, Shijiazhuang, travel out of the city was barred and gatherings banned. Schools were closed down, while flights and trains were cancelled and the main bus terminal shut. Nearby, officials in the city of Nangong announced on the social platform WeChat that they would offer rewards of 500 Yuan ($77) for reports of anyone refusing a Covid-19 test.

                          "People should fully understand the necessity of this approach," Shi Mo, a graduate student in Shijiazhuang, told NBC News.

                          Although it would take some social and psychological adjustments, Shi likened the lockdown to preparing for a protracted war.

                          Educate yourself!!!

                          If that is true, and it may be (I don't know), it presents a problem. If both a severe lockdown AND the early intervention are taking place at the same time, is it one, or the other, or both that is working to prevent the kind of scenario we have in North America? Anyway, I have no dispute with your argument for early intervention unless there is data to show it does more harm than good, but again, Wuhan is not the example you want to use. Is there anywhere in the world that they had no lockdowns AND used early intervention as you describe, and they have very low case numbers even to this day? If yes, then THAT is the example you should be drilling into us.

                          Educate yourself!!!

                          Just imagine how much MORE gut-wrenching the screams would be if the mother were watching her family members DIE ON A VENTILATOR.

                          Educate yourself!!!
                          Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
                          You are purposely exaggerating and making false statements. The "plane loads" of people "sent" around the world were mainly non-residents of Wuhan retiurning to their homes from visiting their friends or relatives in Wuhan for the Chinese New Year festivities.
                          Please provide information that shows that the virus can distinguish between locals and non locals. China allowed infected people to go out of Wuhan and spread the virus. That is a fact.

                          Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
                          Are you daft?
                          And that leaves you where exactly?

                          Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
                          If that is true, and it may be (I don't know), it presents a problem.
                          i guess you did not educate yourself and instead present an incoherent word salad. Lockdowns and masks without
                          early intervention have failed everywhere. As already presented in my last post that you conveniently did not address
                          countries that support early intervention have fared much better than countries that have not.

                          Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
                          DIE ON A VENTILATOR.
                          If you let a viral disease go untreated that is the result. The evidence is overwhelming
                          that early intervention works but you are too ignorant to even research the topic.

                          It is obvious that insanity is more contagious than Covid. Everyone is a potential superspreader and transmission can take place almost at the speed of light.
                          On what basis is ivermecin banned: because it outcompetes vaccines on a fair economic and public health playing field.
                          What is the stage of the competition: healthy individuals and outpatients with early disease.
                          Are hospitalized patients threatening to vaccine "interests": No. Too late in the disease course.
                          Arrest them anyway.
                          So next time you get symptoms Pargat don't listen to me, blindly follow the dictates of the Govt don't treat, do nothing until it is too late and then go to the hospital when it is too late and suffocate on a ventilator. Don't forget that your last words should be "thank God for the wise guidance of our government, now I get to go to a better place!"
                          Since you want to insult me and accuse me of false statements this conversation is over.
                          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 10th January, 2021, 07:49 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                            Please provide information that shows that the virus can distinguish between locals and non locals. China allowed infected people to go out of Wuhan and spread the virus. That
                            is a fact.
                            Again you commit the sin of OMISSION. You fail to mention that China allowed infected people to go out or Wuhan BEFORE IT WAS KNOWN THAT ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE COULD SPREAD THE VIRUS. Once this was realized, that is when the lockdown of EVERYONE in Wuhan began.

                            Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                            Lockdowns and masks without
                            early intervention have failed everywhere.
                            Again, I am not arguing against early intervention as you've described it. BUT.... if early intervention were the magic bullet, then WHY IS CHINA STILL LOCKING DOWN every time a new batch of cases comes up?

                            You have said here that this is an easily treatable virus, the pandemic is over and done, early intervention is the only thing needed, no masks or lockdowns needed. Well, no that isn't true.. China is STILL LOCKING DOWN. The Chinese are STILL WEARING MASKS.

                            Again, you keep using Wuhan as your example, and it doesn't work. Educate yourself!!!

                            Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                            As already presented in my last post that you conveniently did not address
                            countries that support early intervention have fared much better than countries that have not.
                            You are not even realizing what my points are, not even reading what I post. I am not disputing that early intervention can help.

                            Let me say that again: I AM NOT DISPUTING THAT EARLY INTERVENTION CAN HELP.

                            I put it in all caps, underlined and bolded it so that there can be no misunderstanding.... although with you, there's no telling.

                            My main point was that Wuhan is just about the worst example you can use to demonstrate your argument.

                            Please, let me ask again: is there anywhere in the world where lockdowns were NOT used, early intervention WAS used, and the result was almost negligible cases and deaths?

                            That's the example you need, so find it! Maybe it's Sweden, they didn't lock down.... but last I heard, they weren't doing so well either, worse per capita death rate in the Scandinavian countries.. by far. So it's not Sweden.... where is your example? Maybe there isn't one.

                            You are asking people to believe that we can just go on with our normal routines and life as long as we take these OTC cocktails that you are recommending. Well, that is a HUGE statement and it requires HUGE proof. You need to show that there is somewhere in the world where there are no lockdowns, no masks, no social distancing, but there IS early intervention with your cocktails and it IS keeping the case count and death count down to almost zero.

                            Otherwise your argument is totally flawed, even if the early intervention does help in some way. Your argument that the pandemic is over and we can stop the lockdowns is WRONG.


                            • Right on Pargat!!!


                              • An update on the vaccines administered in Canada.

                                Jan. 2 - 112,246
                                Jan 9 - 296,241
                                Last 7 days - 183,995

                                Okay, close to the 200,000 per week predicted back in December.
                                Has anyone heard any forecasts going forward, or promises of increase?

                                Reports - Canada vs. USA, last 2 days.

                                new cases Jan 8 - 307,607, Jan 9 - 249,694
                                new deaths Jan 8 - 4,010, Jan 9 - 3,238

                                new cases Jan 8 - 9,214, Jan 9 - 8,125
                                new deaths Jan 8 - 128, Jan 9 - 126

                                In my opinion, Canada is doing better than USA in fighting COVID19.
                                In Canada we wear masks and take the virus seriously, whereas in the USA they continue to treat it as a political issue.
                                The Trump "rally" of Jan 6 in DC can be characterized as a multipurpose event: riot / super spreader event.

