COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
    (replying to Sid Belzberg) Your accelerated cursing speaks volumes ...

    Sid goes into cursing mode whenever he is caught out being stupid. Pointing out that flu deaths have gone down dramatically since the onset of mask-wearing and social distancing was grossly stupid of him, as it destroys his whole point that mask-wearing is useless in preventing contagion.


    • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

      LOL some minute amount of CO2 "trapped" inside the mask will result in masses of hypoxic children!!!! Wow, somebody is REALLY reaching!

      Remember the '60's and '70's when it was said all the children watching TV within 6 feet of the screen (which was probably 90% of all children) were going to go blind? Uhhhh, yeah. Right.
      When you are faced with scientific facts the best you can do is mutter unsubstantiated gibberish often with a dash of your leftist garbage politics thrown in.
      Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
      Wow, somebody is REALLY reaching!
      Yes the idiots Paragat Perrer and Brian Profit know more than the Dr's below, authors of the papers, and just like Health Minster Patty Hajhdu. consider peer-reviewed science papers "fake news".
      I am sure both of you would have a very promising career as health bureaucrats for the Govt of Canada! Seriously, go for it!

      Dr's.Harald Walach, PhD ,Ronald Weikl, MD ,Juliane Prentice, PhD, MD Helmut Traindl, PhD Stefan Hockertz, PhD as well as Dr. Kai Kisielinski, Dr.Paul Giboni, Dr. Andreas Prescher Dr Bernd Klosterhalfen, Dr.David Graessel, Dr Stefan Funken, Dr, Olier Kempsky, Dr Oliver Hirsh


      "The described mask-related changes in respiratory physiology can have an adverse effect on the wearer’s blood gases sub-clinically and in some cases also clinically manifest and, therefore, have a negative effect on the basis of all aerobic life, external and internal respiration, with an influence on a wide variety of organ systems and metabolic processes with physical, psychological and social consequences for the individual human being."

      "This leads in turn to impairments attributable to hypercapnia. A recent review6 concluded that there was ample evidence for adverse effects of wearing such masks. We suggest that decision-makers weigh the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements accordingly, which suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks."
      Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Thursday, 8th July, 2021, 04:49 PM.


      • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
        Yes the idiots Paragat Perrer and Brian Profit know more than the Dr's below, authors of the papers, and just like Health Minster Patty Hajhdu. consider peer-reviewed science papers "fake news".
        Sid on three peer-reviewed papers that disagreed with his conclusions:

        The recent papers you put forward are pseudoscience and by the many important papers do not say "more research needed" as you have asserted that this is boiler plate language in all scientific papers. Papers with conclusive results do not state this, this is the jargon for 2020 pseudoscience papers.
        If you read Sid's posts, it's always the same: when he links a source, he plays up the credentials, talks about how great they are, and will say things like, "You think you know more than these doctors?" When it's something he disagrees with, he'll instantly call it pseudoscience, a big pharma/government lie, or look for a small thing that he can nitpick to discredit it.

        From a quick search, here are some reviews/meta-analyses from this year on the effectiveness of masks against the spread of COVID:

        Our review of the literature offers evidence in favor of widespread mask use as source control to reduce community transmission: Nonmedical masks use materials that obstruct particles of the necessary size; people are most infectious in the initial period postinfection, where it is common to have few or no symptoms; nonmedical masks have been effective in reducing transmission of respiratory viruses; and places and time periods where mask usage is required or widespread have shown substantially lower community transmission.

        Mask wearing is thus a crucial measure to prevent the virus from spreading via airborne aerosols.

        In conclusion, this meta-analysis suggests that there is association between face mask use and reduction of COVID-19.

        Regardless of the type, setting, or who wears the face mask, it serves primarily a dual preventive purpose; protecting oneself from getting viral infection and protecting others. Therefore, if everyone wears a face mask in public, it offers a double barrier against COVID-19 transmission.

        In conclusion, face masks are one of the essentials in the recent pandemic as it helps to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. People of varying age groups must always be recommended to wear face masks as the ease of quarantine measures and travel restrictions are realized.

        Overall, our findings support the recommendation on using face masks in community settings in a pandemic era: home-made masks, such as those made of teacloths, may confer a significant degree of protection, albeit less strong than surgical masks or N95 personal respirators.
        These are just the first reviews/meta-analyses that I clicked on from searching "covid mask meta analysis" in Google Scholar. If you care about the science, then you have to acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of peer-reviewed papers support the effectiveness of masks against the spread of COVID.


        • Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post

          Sid on three peer-reviewed papers that disagreed with his conclusions:

          If you read Sid's posts, it's always the same: when he links a source, he plays up the credentials, talks about how great they are, and will say things like, "You think you know more than these doctors?" When it's something he disagrees with, he'll instantly call it pseudoscience, a big pharma/government lie, or look for a small thing that he can nitpick to discredit it.

          From a quick search, here are some reviews/meta-analyses from this year on the effectiveness of masks against the spread of COVID:

          These are just the first reviews/meta-analyses that I clicked on from searching "covid mask meta analysis" in Google Scholar. If you care about the science, then you have to acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of peer-reviewed papers support the effectiveness of masks against the spread of COVID.
          Thankyou Lucas for presenting these articles, as I have stated the golden Standard of evidence are Random Control Trials RCT's, all the ones I have found have shown no efficacy of masks whatsoever. Please show me a random control trial that proves the efficacy of masks, All of the RCTS have shown show no efficacy and in fact harm. In fact prepandemic all of the science RCt's included showed no efficacy in preventing any type of virsl transmission.
          So at the risk of being repetitive show me an RCT.
          The nature of science is to have differing views, differing views does not necessarily mean the paper is incorrect.
          On the subject of science this year a lot of it is being censored and we have seen incidents of pharma sponsored frauds the most famous one being
          the antiHCQ retracted article by both the Lancett and the NEJM on the basis of crowdsourced investigations through social media that is unprecedented in medical history.
          When I see so called "meta analysis" with no RCT's I am very skeptical. This is longish read about HCQ that highlights the corruption of science in 2020

          Here is another excellent read

          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Thursday, 8th July, 2021, 08:03 PM.


          • Here is an interesting lawsuit.


            • Sid is absolutely pathetic. He is so desperate to be relevant, but just comes off as a nut. Does he really think that years from now, research is going to say "wow, doctors wearing masks for their 6 hour surgeries were actually giving themselves brain damage"? Do yourself and everyone here a favour and stop posting. Find a medical site to torture. Or Facebook... you would find a more than willing audience there.


              • More important info on the Vax and why the second shot should be avoided.

                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 9th July, 2021, 01:35 AM.


                • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                  Sid is absolutely pathetic. He is so desperate to be relevant, but just comes off as a nut. Does he really think that years from now, research is going to say "wow, doctors wearing masks for their 6 hour surgeries were actually giving themselves brain damage"? Do yourself and everyone here a favour and stop posting. Find a medical site to torture. Or Facebook... you would find a more than willing audience there.
                  You don't have to wait years to see what research is saying about Surgeons and masks.

                  "However, overall there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination. More rigorous contemporary research is needed to make a definitive comment on the effectiveness of surgical facemasks."

                  "Significant physiological impact of wearing PPE inside operation theatre: A challenging scenario in this COVID-19 pandemic"

                  Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 9th July, 2021, 01:28 AM.


                  • Very important presentation from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi re second dose vaccines and natural immunity.



                    • Covid-19 is trying hard to shut down FIDE World Cup 2021...


             5th ranked player GM Levon Aronian withdraws!

                      Last edited by Neil Frarey; Friday, 16th July, 2021, 08:21 PM.


                      • and Levon Aronian too!


                        • Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
                          and Levon Aronian too!
                          Thanks! Yes, I meant to write his name ... correction made :)

                          Hate to jinx the world #2.

                          It will be interesting to see who is the last man standing, ha!!!


                          • Meanwhile - Argentina is the eleventh country to reach 100,000 deaths or more.


                            • Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
                              Meanwhile - Argentina is the eleventh country to reach 100,000 deaths or more.
                              Meanwhile no excess deaths in Argentina.


                              Click image for larger version

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                              • More information on the information: Covid Vaccine 12 Test Trial Reports. Read link for full data, number, science, COVID TRUE VALUE MEASURE.

                                Unbelievable. Trudeau should, our senior citizens. Unbelievable. Unfathomable. UN corruption..UNFIO, UNNNP, CPC, ha! Ha!!!!

                                everytime it hurts, it hurts just like the first (and then you cry till there's no more tears)

