Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

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  • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Earth's Rising Temperature Continues

    "Last month was hottest February ever recorded. It's the ninth-straight broken record."

    Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
    This "estimate" is based on IPCC corrupted data as described in post-1930. But as usual, you ignore whatever goes against your idiotic climate alarmist narrative.


    • World Temperatures & Sid's Post # 1930 (24/2/28)

      Click image for larger version

Name:	ClimateChange2.jpg
Views:	153
Size:	17.7 KB
ID:	232251

      Sid: "[Re entanglement & quantum mechanics] - "Note that the model Alicia and I posted offers a proposed experiment that can easily prove our model to be wrong. That makes it a much stronger hypothesis, and that is the essence of what science is about! "

      Bob: I know little about quantum mechanics, but this statement seems true re science in general.

      Sid: "Dr. William Soon painstakingly took out urban areas and only looked at temperature data for rural areas and found that the average temperature increase per century is indeed only.55 degrees compared to the grossly inflated IPCC estimates of .8 degrees plus per century This, lines up well with the UK temperature that I showed earlier, which goes up only .5 degrees per century...... this new study [37 researchers from 18 countries - Know how many "researchers" (Not necessarily "accredited scientists") there are in the world? The UN consists of 193 member states - the majority of whom support "Mainstream Science"] suggests that urban warming might account for up to 40% of the warming since 1850."

      Bob: The argument that Earth's average soil/atmosphere temperature rise is mainly generated by "urban" heat is faulty. As Sid noted, urban areas represent only 3% of the soil of earth, and none of the atmosphere. There is no proof that Solar Heat has increased over fact, stars die as their energy is emitted. The mainstream temperature data is "corrupted" only in the calculations of the "Natural Negative Climate Changers". The majority of inhabitants of the Earth are seeing warmer temperatures move north, and higher temperatures in their locality over time. They are not hallucinating......seems that some of us (the minority) are looking at a "Reality over-layed by their arguments".

      Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
      P.S. CO2 & Sid's Post # 1930 - answered in my Post # 1933 - there is lots of evidence in mainstream science for my explanation of the "egg shell".


      • Originally posted by Bob Armstorng
        The mainstream temperature data is "corrupted" only in the calculations of the "Natural Negative Climate Changers".
        What do you mean by "mainstream" Bob? The majority of the scientific community supports solar activity as the source of climate change despite your past idiotic
        parroting the debunked "mainstream claim" of "97 percent scientific consensus".

        Originally posted by Bob Armstrong
        The majority of inhabitants of the Earth are seeing warmer temperatures move north, and higher temperatures in their locality over time. They are not hallucinating.
        Who said they were hallucinating? This is an argument about .04% and a far tinier percentage of methane and nitrogen having an impact on a star that is 100 times the size of the earth. You are completely delusional and scientifically ignorant.
        As you pointed out cities are at most 4 percent of the earths
        surface area. My point exactly, when Dr.Soon omits urban data from the IPCC estimates we are at the same rate of warming we have been for over three centuries.5 degrees per century as per the thermometer UK data already shows.
        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 9th March, 2024, 05:02 PM.


        • Hey Bob,
          While Daylight Saving Time was originally introduced to reduce candle consumption, presently it leads to excessive gas and electricity consumption. Do you want to start a campaign against the DST? It would have a better chance of success than your Democratic Marxism campaign :-) ...


          • Temperature Bands - Moving North

            The Warming of Earth


            Bob A (Anthropogenicist)


            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
              Temperature Bands - Moving North

              The Warming of Earth


              Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
              There is nothing new here, Bob; some species evolve and adapt, others do not. That has been going on since time immemorial. Try lowering the carbon in the atmosphere from an infinitesimal .04% to .02%, and all plants and vegetation, along with the rest of humanity, will die. That, by the way, will have ZERO impact on the climate. It's the sun... duh!


              • Climate Change- The Cold Truth
                This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, compared to the last half billion years of earth’s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed many times) has ever ‘driven’ climate change in the past. Why then, are we told, again and again, that ‘catastrophic man-made climate-change’ is an irrefutable fact? Why are we told that there is no evidence that contradicts it? Why are we told that anyone who questions ‘climate chaos’ is a ‘flat-earther’ and a ‘science-denier’? The film explores the nature of the consensus behind climate change. It describes the origins of the climate funding bandwagon, and the rise of the trillion-dollar climate industry. It describes the hundreds of thousands of jobs that depend on the climate crisis.

                It explains the enormous pressure on scientists and others not to question the climate alarm: the withdrawal of funds, rejection by science journals, social ostracism. But the climate alarm is much more than a funding and jobs bandwagon. The film explores the politics of climate. From the beginning, the climate scare was political. The culprit was free-market industrial capitalism. The solution was higher taxes and more regulation. From the start, the climate alarm appealed to, and has been adopted and promoted by, those groups who favour bigger government. This is the unspoken political divide behind the climate alarm. The climate scare appeals especially to all those in the sprawling publicly-funded establishment. This includes the largely publicly-funded Western intelligentsia, for whom climate has become a moral cause. In these circles, to criticise or question the climate alarm has become is a breach of social etiquette. The film includes interviews with a number of very prominent scientists, including Professor Steven Koonin (author of ‘Unsettled’, a former provost and vice-president of Caltech), Professor Dick Lindzen (formerly professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT), Professor Will Happer (professor of physics at Princeton), Dr John Clauser (winner of the Nobel prize in Physics in 2022), Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics), professor Ross McKitrick (University of Guelph), Willie Soon and several others. The film was written and directed by the British filmmaker Martin Durkin and is the sequel of his excellent 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. Tom Nelson, a podcaster who has been deeply examining climate debate issues for the better part of two decades, was the producer of the film. ClimateTheMovie is now available for free at many online locations.


                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 20th March, 2024, 10:49 PM.


                • Earth - Air, Soil & Oceans

                  Rising Temperatures/Heat

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	ClimateChange2.jpg
Views:	147
Size:	17.7 KB
ID:	232626

                  "Unrelenting heat from India to Brazil

                  This week, the heat index in Rio de Janeiro reached 144 degrees Fahrenheit, or 62 Celsius, the highest ever measured in the city. The national government issued health warnings because of extreme heat in multiple cities.

                  In South Sudan, temperatures were forecast to reach 113 degrees Fahrenheit, far above the 90-degree highs typical of the dry season from December to March, as my colleague Abdi Latif Dahir reported.

                  In Bengaluru, India, water supplies are running low, and last month Ghana and Nigeria issued heat warnings to the public.

                  We don’t yet know whether all these events were caused or worsened by climate change. But we do know that human-caused global warming was behind many of the extreme heat events that helped make last year the hottest on record. A recent study also concluded that climate change made the extreme heat West Africa experienced in February 10 times as likely, my colleague Delger Erdenesanaa reported."


                  Bob A (Anthropogenicist)


                  • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                    Earth - Air, Soil & Oceans

                    Rising Temperatures/Heat

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	ClimateChange2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	17.7 KB ID:	232626

                    "Unrelenting heat from India to Brazil

                    This week, the heat index in Rio de Janeiro reached 144 degrees Fahrenheit, or 62 Celsius, the highest ever measured in the city. The national government issued health warnings because of extreme heat in multiple cities.

                    In South Sudan, temperatures were forecast to reach 113 degrees Fahrenheit, far above the 90-degree highs typical of the dry season from December to March, as my colleague Abdi Latif Dahir reported.

                    In Bengaluru, India, water supplies are running low, and last month Ghana and Nigeria issued heat warnings to the public.

                    We don’t yet know whether all these events were caused or worsened by climate change. But we do know that human-caused global warming was behind many of the extreme heat events that helped make last year the hottest on record. A recent study also concluded that climate change made the extreme heat West Africa experienced in February 10 times as likely, my colleague Delger Erdenesanaa reported."


                    Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
                    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong
                    "But we do know that human-caused global warming

                    Really? You "know" that huh?
                    People like you Bob are dangerous! You continually propagate lies as explained in the very important movie I posted

                    Until you have extended the courtesy of seeing my points that beautifully summarize everything in the movie I have posted in this thread, your points are worthless! They are one-sided, brainless babbling that never read or listen to anything. The worst part is you are an ignoramus scientifically, but that does not
                    stop you from flapping your gums without reading the facts that are posted.
                    I feel sorry for you because your inability to think critically has harmed you. Sorry for the rant; carry on with your one-sided rubbish!
                    Sid B (Given up on the brainwashed)
                    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 22nd March, 2024, 09:54 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                      Climate Change- The Cold Truth
                      This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, compared to the last half billion years of earth’s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed many times) has ever ‘driven’ climate change in the past. Why then, are we told, again and again, that ‘catastrophic man-made climate-change’ is an irrefutable fact? Why are we told that there is no evidence that contradicts it? Why are we told that anyone who questions ‘climate chaos’ is a ‘flat-earther’ and a ‘science-denier’? The film explores the nature of the consensus behind climate change. It describes the origins of the climate funding bandwagon, and the rise of the trillion-dollar climate industry. It describes the hundreds of thousands of jobs that depend on the climate crisis.

                      It explains the enormous pressure on scientists and others not to question the climate alarm: the withdrawal of funds, rejection by science journals, social ostracism. But the climate alarm is much more than a funding and jobs bandwagon. The film explores the politics of climate. From the beginning, the climate scare was political. The culprit was free-market industrial capitalism. The solution was higher taxes and more regulation. From the start, the climate alarm appealed to, and has been adopted and promoted by, those groups who favour bigger government. This is the unspoken political divide behind the climate alarm. The climate scare appeals especially to all those in the sprawling publicly-funded establishment. This includes the largely publicly-funded Western intelligentsia, for whom climate has become a moral cause. In these circles, to criticise or question the climate alarm has become is a breach of social etiquette. The film includes interviews with a number of very prominent scientists, including Professor Steven Koonin (author of ‘Unsettled’, a former provost and vice-president of Caltech), Professor Dick Lindzen (formerly professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT), Professor Will Happer (professor of physics at Princeton), Dr John Clauser (winner of the Nobel prize in Physics in 2022), Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics), professor Ross McKitrick (University of Guelph), Willie Soon and several others. The film was written and directed by the British filmmaker Martin Durkin and is the sequel of his excellent 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. Tom Nelson, a podcaster who has been deeply examining climate debate issues for the better part of two decades, was the producer of the film. ClimateTheMovie is now available for free at many online locations.

                      Hi Sid,
                      Thanks for illustrating how 'climate anxiety' is much more harmful than 'climate change'...
                      Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Friday, 22nd March, 2024, 10:44 PM.


                      • Negative Climate Change & Capitalism

                        One Opinion

                        "Increasingly, making money and bending the curve on planet warming emissions is not an either-or proposition. Akshat Rathi, a Bloomberg News climate reporter, writes in his new book Climate Capitalism that there is a growing body of evidence that suggests short-term profit incentives can deliver long-term change.

                        “Even in the economic system that exists, which has worsened climate change, there can be modifications made, and capitalism can tackle the climate problem while delivering profits.


                        Bob A (Dem. Marxist & Anthropogenicist)


                        • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                          Negative Climate Change & Capitalism

                          One Opinion

                          "Increasingly, making money and bending the curve on planet warming emissions is not an either-or proposition. Akshat Rathi, a Bloomberg News climate reporter, writes in his new book Climate Capitalism that there is a growing body of evidence that suggests short-term profit incentives can deliver long-term change.

                          “Even in the economic system that exists, which has worsened climate change, there can be modifications made, and capitalism can tackle the climate problem while delivering profits.


                          Bob A (Dem. Marxist & Anthropogenicist)
                          Bloomberg News is another propaganda arm of the WEF Of course, the techno elites that run that organization would want to destroy all businesses except theirs (We will own everything, and you will own nothing) under the pretense of a fake "man-made" climate emergency that is blamed on all businesses except theirs.
                          Just another form of Marxism's inevitable outcome: a few at the top own everything, and everyone else owns nothing! Do you want to prevent future scamdemics and fake man 'made" climate emergencies? Step 1 Disband the WEF and get rid of WEF-installed puppet governments around the world, as well as the WEF-controlled WHO and UN.


                          • HUGE NEWS Massive tractor convoy outside the British parliament protesting tonight.


                            End Genocidal WEF imposed Climate communism now! They want you dead from starvation and disease!

                            Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 10.38.05 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	1.15 MB ID:	232725

                            Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.52.18 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	728.5 KB ID:	232719
                            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 26th March, 2024, 02:02 PM.


                            • Greenhouse Gases

                              Generating an impervious "Heat Shell" around Earth

                              "‘Garbage Lasagna’: Dumps Are a Big Driver of Warming, Study Says

                              Decades of buried trash is releasing methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, at higher rates than previously estimated, the researchers said."


                              Bob A (Anthropogenicist)


                              • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                Greenhouse Gases

                                Generating an impervious "Heat Shell" around Earth

                                "‘Garbage Lasagna’: Dumps Are a Big Driver of Warming, Study Says

                                Decades of buried trash is releasing methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, at higher rates than previously estimated, the researchers said."


                                Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
                                More scientifically debunked propaganda from Bob Armstrong's endless arsenal of trusted swords of ignorance, another WEF-controlled propaganda rag

                                The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its fellow unelected globalist leaders are pushing for governments around the world to phase out fossil fuels. Leading experts have spoken out against their plans and are warning the public that the WEF’s “Net Zero” goal to eliminate fossil fuels will result in the deaths of over four billion people or more.

                                The “Net Zero” target to end fossil fuel use is part of the WEF and UN’s “Agenda 2030” and “Agenda 2050” plans for humanity and involves dramatically reducing fossil reliance by 2030 and completely eliminating their use by 2050.

                                The WEF continues to push its agenda and has been calling for taxpayers worldwide to pay $3.5 trillion per year, which they insist is necessary to fund the noble global power in order to meet the globalist organisation’s “Net Zero” goal of “decarbonizing” the planet. 

                                However, critics argue that “decarbonization” is just a euphemism for the WEF’s anti-human agenda and experts are raising the alarm about what this will actually mean for civilization, which includes the death of over four billion people.


                                Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg is just one who has warned that ending fossil fuel use will lead to the deaths of around half of the world’s population through starvation alone.

                                “4 billion people are dependent on fossil fertilizer for food,” Lomborg notes. “Without, 4 billion will starve to death. “It is time to call out the astoundingly destructive & misanthropic campaigners,” he declared.

                                The article Lomborg was responding to was by British economist Neil Record in the Telegraph, who argued that the number of people that might die was closer to six billion.
                                Six Billion Would Die in a Year.

                                Neil Record reported: “If we literally just stopped using fossil fuels and “did without the natural resources on which the world, its economies and populations depend, most likely six billion people would die within a year.”

                                Breaking down what would happen in a world without fossil fuels, Record notes that most people would suffer blackouts due to the grid being so seriously compromised, possibly fatally, and they may be widespread and permanent.”

                                From day one, gas users would be the first to feel the change of no more mining of coal; the world’s oil wells shut down; the world’s gas fields likewise, and in10 or 15 days, the UK would have to turn off its gas distribution system as it would be unable to maintain pressure.

                                In turn, the domestic supply would be shut down too – gas would stop flowing, and some 21 million households (74% of the population) would no longer have heating, hot water, and cooking facilities.

                                “In their panic, people might turn to electricity for their cooking and heating, but wait…” says Record, who adds, “The UK electricity grid relies on natural gas as its “buffer” energy source. Every day, demand varies according to consumer demand, and the other main energy supplier, renewables, are highly variable and can only power the grid when gas is picking up the lion’s share of the gap between their output and consumer demand.”Source

                                So the moment that the main gas distribution system is de-pressurised, the grid-balancing system fails and power cuts ensue.

                                Electricity demand would have rocketed through the switch to electric space heating, cooking and water-heating, and so it seems very likely that the sudden excess demand would be undeliverable, and therefore that the grid would spiral into uncontrollability resulting in no electricity. This also means there would be no communication systems no mobile phones and no television.

                                Without power, there will be no running water and no heating and the most vulnerable people will start to die, according to Record. Initially, this will be the elderly in their own homes, then in hospitals when the diesel backup generators run out of fuel. Within the first 25 days new “existential problems emerge for ordinary people in the form of food availability and distribution.” Source
                                Starvation Begins From Day 25

                                Day 25 – By the twenty-fifth day, diesel and petrol are likely to have run dry, although, Record says that he is probably being generous with the timing here, but what this will mean is that food distribution would fail, and so as most of the population are entirely dependent on bought food they will begin to starve.

                                Interestingly, it will be only the isolated rural communities, and those who are agriculturally self-sufficient would be relatively unaffected.

                                Day 50 – Many people in urban areas would now be near death from starvation, Record claims, and “law and order would have broken down” and due to the “increasingly desperate search for the means of survival” he suspects there will have been “mass conflict and slaughter taking place.

                                Without the sanitary conditions that we have due to power, water supply, and sewage flow, we will see a return of Victorian diseases such as cholera and dysentery.

                                Day 100 – money and status will be irrelevant as time passes and just three months after the world stops oil, Neil Record, guesses that around half of the world’s population of approximately four billion, people would be dead “The first to die would be the urban poor; then the middle and upper classes”

                                Again, the survivors would be those in rural areas and able to live off local agricultural produce or live off dwindling food stocks.

                                For fifty-five percent of people in urban areas, it will be almost impossible to access food and safe water as there will be none of the normal distribution routes for food or storage facilities (chillers/freezers) without electricity, and without pumped water, clean water would be unavailable, or close to impossible to access. Source

                                A Year Without Oil – Murder and Mayhem.

                                Day 365 – after a year without oil Record says “perhaps a further two billion people would have starved or frozen to death, leaving, say, two billion left alive remaining food stocks would have been exhausted or spoiled, and the inevitable breakdown of law and order would have meant many would meet a violent end.”

                                “Competition for scarce resources, so elegantly solved by the invention of markets and prices, would be replaced by murder and mayhem”

                                There is now no going back as the means to reverse the just stop oil experiment would have gone.

                                “The mass extinction would have robbed societies of their cultures, education, and survival techniques. A new dark age would ensue” and as Record says this is a nightmarish scenario, but claims that everything in this scenario is well supported by fact. Source
                                Meadows Depopulation

                                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 29th March, 2024, 12:46 PM.

