THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

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  • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

    James Hansen's former supervisor is a skeptic. LOL. I like the part where he dismisses the climate models that the whole theory of man-made global warming is based on.


    • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

      I saw a McGuinty advert yesterday. Dalton is talking about David Suzuki and the 900 windmills we have.

      He simply doesn't get it. Most don't care what Suzuki thinks or how many windmills there are in Ontario. They care about being able to pay the hydro bill when it arrives. The care about the big increase in cost, which now carries the HST.

      To me it looks like election day will bring Government Change. The answer to paying megabuck to fight questionable Climate Change.

      Are you better off now that you were 4 years ago?
      Gary Ruben
      CC - IA and SIM


      • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

        "The clean economy is real. It’s going to be the biggest job creating sector in the coming decades because of peak oil and climate change. Of course, it’s possible that most of the jobs will be created overseas if the GOP"
        (and Ontario Conservatives like Hudak - my edit)
        "and the fossil-fuel-funded denier industrial complex continues to succeed in its effort to strangle it — and if the media keeps misreporting the story."


        • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

          An excellent video of Ontario government achievements. Contrast this to negativity, attacking, and ranting from the other guy...


          • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

            Originally posted by Paul Beckwith View Post

            An excellent video of Ontario government achievements. Contrast this to negativity, attacking, and ranting from the other guy...
            I expect the NDP to get more votes in Ontario this time than they might normally receive. I'm doubtful many of those votes will come from the Cons so will likely be liberal voters. Sept. should bring a better idea. Most will be back from vacation.

            So far I've had either three, or maybe it's four, phone calls from the Cons. Automated messages and I hate those kind of calls so I hang up. One from the liberals who asked my voting intention.

            I had one person come to the door. Said she was updating the voters list but handed me a conservative advertisement. I assumed it was a party voting list. I won't say what were talked about because I can't prove any of it so suffice to say it was an interesting conversation.

            The incumbent liberal in this riding is not running for re-election. The Federal liberal incumbent lost to the conservative.

            The conservative running in this area claims, in his literature, to have been the federal and Ontario director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. I think he has a good chance to win in this riding.
            Gary Ruben
            CC - IA and SIM


            • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

              By the way, Paul, you do realize the NDP might have an election victory in Ontario within their grasp.

              Turn the election into a referendum on the HST. Promise to remove the HST over the next 18 months if they win, in the same way it will be removed in B.C. They will be giving people a real choice and leaving the other two political parties splitting the rest of the vote.

              Just my opinion.
              Gary Ruben
              CC - IA and SIM


              • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                This is very possible, but not sure if it is probable. I will ask some of my NDP friends what they think?

                Irene had massive impact on the U.S. but could easily have been far worse. With warmer oceans that extend farther North the range and duration and strength of hurricanes is increased, making storms like Irene more likely to occur. Why are the oceans warmer? Climate 101...


                • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                  Originally posted by Paul Beckwith View Post
                  This is very possible, but not sure if it is probable. I will ask some of my NDP friends what they think?

                  Irene had massive impact on the U.S. but could easily have been far worse. With warmer oceans that extend farther North the range and duration and strength of hurricanes is increased, making storms like Irene more likely to occur. Why are the oceans warmer? Climate 101...
                  I thought the science on global warming is settled as is the reason the climate varies (like opinions) and not changes. Here it something I was just reading.

                  Click Here...

                  I don't expect any political party to promise to eliminate the HST. They will have less money to spend. A sales tax is one which catches those in society who can least afford to pay.

                  I also don't much care who wins the election. They all want to be my boss and rule me. Does it really make much difference who oppresses me? Now you might think calling it oppression is strong but if I feel the health tax and HST and other things are unjust then that's the way it is.
                  Gary Ruben
                  CC - IA and SIM


                  • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                    It does matter who oppresses you. Would it not be better to have a science based oppression rather than a religious ideology based oppression?

                    Republicans are quite scary with their anti-science beliefs; Harper and his gang are similar...



                    • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                      Originally posted by Paul Beckwith View Post
                      It does matter who oppresses you. Would it not be better to have a science based oppression rather than a religious ideology based oppression?
                      Oppression is oppression. You're simply trying to offer different flavours.

                      Science isn't exact and that which is subject to interpretation tends to change from time to time. Particularly when models, based on subjective interpretations and formulas, are used to project and predict the future.

                      I wouldn't be knocking religion. It's been my observation over the decades that the closer most people get to the end, the more they embrace religion.

                      When a political leader say he/she wants to make the world a better place, what I hear is s/he wants to rule the world.

                      I don't really want to get into U.S. politics. It's up to the voters in the U.S., of which I am not one, to decide their government.
                      Gary Ruben
                      CC - IA and SIM


                      • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                        Originally posted by Paul Beckwith View Post
                        It does matter who oppresses you. Would it not be better to have a science based oppression rather than a religious ideology based oppression?
                        You really need to start asking better questions.

                        The obvious and correct answer is "None of the above". HTH.

                        Dalton McGuinty is the poster child for pseudo science based oppression. Step by step he has eroded our civil liberties and restricted our freedoms in Ontario. Thankfully we still have a charter of rights in Canada which he has not been able to override - yet.

                        Most of these erosions of our freedom have crept in without fanfare. Everything from relaxing the rules of police searches in Ontario, detaining people at the G20 based on fictional laws, to increasing the costs and red tape associated with something as simple as boating (well it used to be simple before Dalton decided to exercise his latest money grab) not to mention his failed green energy program, his health tax and the HST tax grab which he used to increase the scope of provincial taxes significantly.

                        Now he is promising house calls for all. LOL. He has to go.
                        Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Monday, 29th August, 2011, 03:17 PM.


                        • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                          As for anti-science beliefs, the Catholic church has suvived nearly 2,000 years with just such an agenda. The human race is no longer evolving - it is now devolving - just listen to some teenagers' conversation "I'm like..." and "he's like....duh" and they seem to think that the rap crap is music! No doubt, in 10 generations, we'll be back up in the trees eating bananas.

                          As for elimination of HS Tax, then the money will have to come from some other form of taxation. We should remember that a good deal of HST comes from tourists and convention goers - mostly Americans. Nothing wrong with clipping the fat cats as much as we can.
                          Last edited by Vlad Dobrich; Tuesday, 30th August, 2011, 09:21 AM.


                          • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                            From the article and poll results in the Globe and Mail this morning, it was the higher earners, self employed and Liberal voters who were more inclined to keep the HST.

                            Click Here...

                            There's three pages to that article and you have to click the numbers under the text for each of the three graphs.
                            Gary Ruben
                            CC - IA and SIM


                            • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                              Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                              As for anti-science beliefs, the Catholic church has suvived nearly 2,000 years with just such an agenda. The human race is no longer evolving - it is now devolving - just listen to some teenagers' conversation "I'm like..." and "he's like....duh" and they seem to think that the rap crap is music! No doubt, in 10 generations, we'll be back up in the trees eating bananas.
                              I don't think the kids are any dumber today though their education is much worse than ours was. I think the teachers may be dumber though they are getting paid more and they seem to need way more highly paid administrators than they needed when I was a kid in school. The local Catholic school board had the brilliant idea of closing down the libraries and firing the librarians so that they didn't have to lay off any of the administrators who are all relatives of theirs anyway. The deterioration in education has been going on for some time. I can't really place it all at the feet of the Dalton gang but they certainly did nothing to reverse the trend.

                              There seems to be a much more pervasive drug culture everywhere. Some of the rap stuff is music though much of it is pretentious noise.

                              As for elimination of HS Tax, then the money will have to come from some other form of taxation. We should remember that a good deal of HST comes from tourists and convention goers - mostly Americans. Nothing wrong with clipping the fat cats as much as we can.
                              I don't have as much of a beef with the HST as I do with the fact that the Ontario Liberals used harmonization as an excuse to greatly expand the provincial portion of the sales tax grab by taxing services at the same rate that they used to tax goods. It was clear that they could have reduced the overall tax rate by about one or maybe even two percent and kept the same amount of revenue due to adding the PST portion to all goods and services.


                              • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                                Don't worry folks, its just weather.


                                Now I know many of our climate change skeptics are counting on new technologies to replace fossil fuels when we run out, so what about fusion. Is it still mostly science fiction, or will it someday become reality?


                                Just asking. :)
                                Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Tuesday, 30th August, 2011, 09:17 AM.

