THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

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  • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
    Pretty close to $500k per job. I wonder how many of those jobs were of the $15 an hour and less variety.
    I assume some would have gone to infrastucture.

    The U.S. legal action against the banks comes at an interesting time. However, the reports I heard said the statute of limitations runs out in a few days so they would have had to do it or forget it.

    It will be interesting to see if it results in less loans and a lot of layoffs in the financial sector. The U.S. unemployment rate is over 9%. It will take a lot of "grease" to make this rate slide a few points in the next year.
    Gary Ruben
    CC - IA and SIM


    • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

      Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
      I assume some would have gone to infrastucture.
      That may be so but it still means that the jobs argument for these programs is very weak particularly when the jobs only last a year. I think that the same scenario will be played out in Ontario. In particular the challenges to the Ontario Green Energy programs under world trade agreements by Japan and other countries can only be delayed for a while and will eventually be successful (probably sooner rather than later). Once the local job argument can no longer be used the political support for these programs will also melt away.

      The U.S legal action against the banks comes at an interesting time. However, the reports I heard said the statute of limitations runs out in a few days so they would have had to do it or forget it.

      It will be interesting to see if it results in less loans and a lot of layoffs in the financial sector. The U.S. unemployment rate is over 9%. It will take a lot of "grease" to make this rate slide a few points in the next year.
      The Democrats cannot afford any more negative news this close to an election.


      • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

        With infrastructure programs, most are only relatively short term. Then a person has to hope his employer gets another contract for something else. As an example, a pipeline or a nuclear facility or erecting hydro towers and lines over a few hundred km's. The permanent jobs are a smaller number.

        There are usually a lot of spinoff jobs from those kind of projects.

        Speaking of spinoff's, one Ontario company is spinning off its solar division to shareholders. Either that or selling it but I don't know if there are buyers. I guess the company will be stronger without that segment. I think it will be a case of addition by subtraction when it comes to the value of the remainder of the company. They have several thousand employees worldwide.
        Gary Ruben
        CC - IA and SIM


        • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

          Insurance companies are very concerned about increasing risks from extreme weather events and climate events. Not only that, governments are paying out ever increasing amounts for disaster relief; agencies like FEMA are going to require ever more funding. Notice how this trend never got mentioned in all the discussions on the debt...


          • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

            Moore's law for renewable energy; this is possible if programs like the Green Energy Act by the Liberals in Ontario continues...welcome the future...



            • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

              Climate change deniers are incredible in the art of the lie...



              • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                "For that reason, it is crucial to bear in mind that the next time a denialist publication gets hyped up by its author or by the media, this will again likely be the result of ideology or vested interests, and subterfuge or dubious editorial practices, and propaganda.

                Ideology, subterfuge, and propaganda. That is all there is to climate denial."



                • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                  Actually there is no point in wasting time on all that stuff. We'll just concentrate on the ballot box. As for Moore's law, if it applied to the mature technologies like solar energy and wind turbines then they wouldn't need subsidies of a wholesale price of thirty times the wholesale cost of competing forms of electricity generation.

                  We used solar power to heat our pool when I was twelve some forty years ago. It got very hot. Too bad the industry couldn't improve on our prototype in all those years. If Moore's law applied they would have.


                  • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                    Originally posted by Paul Beckwith View Post
                    Insurance companies are very concerned about increasing risks from extreme weather events and climate events. Not only that, governments are paying out ever increasing amounts for disaster relief; agencies like FEMA are going to require ever more funding. Notice how this trend never got mentioned in all the discussions on the debt...

                    Insurance companies are always concerned about risk factors.

                    Things like insurance for Long Term Care in the U.S. are increasing because people are generally living longer and so the care costs mount up over more years.

                    Of course, that brings up the question of why people are generally living longer if the climate is so bad for them. But that's for a different debate.

                    Your link gives no indication it is corrected for inflation. Here's a calculator which gives the value of 100 dollars in 1980 and 1991 or whatever you want. Once I correct some of those dollar amounts for inflation todays numbers aren't that much out of line.

                    Click Here...

                    Another thing to consider is planning. With an increasing population in the U.S., if they continue to build and expand in areas which are prone to hurricane damage and flooding the costs will continue to mount and insurance companies have to charge premiums which take this into consideration. Hurricane season is well known. So is Tornado season in the U.S. Possibly the building standards should be examined and upgraded to keep structures from blowing away.
                    Gary Ruben
                    CC - IA and SIM


                    • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                      Yes, risk factors are always a concern to insurance companies since they have to assess properly to ensure a profit (like any other company). They are concerned more than usual since their "odds" seem to be changing every year as more and more payouts for disasters occur. The link is for MunichRe and is corrected for inflation. Your question is good to ask, although you are not giving much credit to them for doing their graph correctly.

                      I think that building standards are being upgraded in hurricane prone areas, but most of the damage seems to be from flooding and apart from building everything on stilts there is not much else that can be done for this. Tornadoes are another matter, as you cannot build to survive an intense tornado unless you want to live in a bunker. There is no denying that the frequency of severe weather events is increasing rapidly, I suppose the climate change models are much too conservative since they predict these increases but not as quickly as nature is throwing them at us...


                      • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                        Vlad has often claimed that green jobs cost a lot ($millions) to create, here is a rebuttal to this right wing talking point that is bogus; can this right wing ideology get anything right?



                        • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                          Originally posted by Paul Beckwith View Post
                          Yes, risk factors are always a concern to insurance companies since they have to assess properly to ensure a profit (like any other company). They are concerned more than usual since their "odds" seem to be changing every year as more and more payouts for disasters occur. The link is for MunichRe and is corrected for inflation. Your question is good to ask, although you are not giving much credit to them for doing their graph correctly.

                          I think that building standards are being upgraded in hurricane prone areas, but most of the damage seems to be from flooding and apart from building everything on stilts there is not much else that can be done for this. Tornadoes are another matter, as you cannot build to survive an intense tornado unless you want to live in a bunker. There is no denying that the frequency of severe weather events is increasing rapidly, I suppose the climate change models are much too conservative since they predict these increases but not as quickly as nature is throwing them at us...
                          Reinsurance firms are used to spread the risk around.

                          I don't know if insurance companies deal with "concern". I thought it was tables, premiums and the cheque book.

                          The raw figures are nice. They don't say the number of policies it was spread over for the years or give profit or loss numbers overall, on that class of insurance. The U.S. is a big country.

                          I figure it's like auto insurance. Make a lot of claims and the premium, up she goes. If the overall cost of settling claims goes up then I suppose there would be a general increase in premiums.

                          You realize the insurance companies have to maintain a certain MCCRS?
                          Gary Ruben
                          CC - IA and SIM


                          • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                            Yes, the reinsurance companies insure the insurance companies, and a lot of them are located in Bermuda, and I know some people that work for them. They are losing a ton of money this year since the extreme weather is costing them a fortune. Like the insurance companies, they are "concerned" about the increase of extreme weather and the viability of a solid business case in the future. They are run by people and the people are concerned, based on analysis of their cash flows. MCCRS??


                            • Re: THE NEW One and Only Climate Change Whatever...

                              Originally posted by Paul Beckwith View Post
                              I typed that wrong. It's MCCSR. Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirements.

                              So you know what happens when you hold shares of insurance companies which don't make money? :)
                              Gary Ruben
                              CC - IA and SIM


                              • Ontario Provincial Election

                                " New Nanos poll finds the Liberals have moved into the lead with 38% support, Tories are at 35%, NDP is sitting at 24% "

                                Vlad - What is happening? Do the people want " green "?

                                Bob A

