Official CFC Candidates for President

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  • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    Also wrong. Entry fees and tournament expenses for the CYCC do not appear on the CFC books. They are on the books of the organizers. What does flow to the CFC books is the funds raised to finance the WYCC trip. Last years CYCC in Windsor raised 20k which helped finance the WYCC trip. That 20k plus family payments for additional players hotel rooms etc. plus some smaller amounts for Canadian Junior etc. make up the $72,907 "contributions" in Youth program on 3rd qtr statements. (see GL3).

    CFC contributions (subsidies) out of general revenues to Canadian Open and Canadian Closed will appear on the annual statements due out shortly, $ 1,378 and $ 2,863 respectively. The entry fees and prizes are not part of the CFC's books.

    There are appears to be an astounding level of misinformation about chess finances out in the chess community. No wonder there is so much mistrust. :(
    In case anyone is wondering, Bob and I both had our fingers crossed at the secret CFC Illuminati ceremony last July.


    • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

      Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
      There are appears to be an astounding level of misinformation about chess finances out in the chess community. No wonder there is so much mistrust. :(
      The CFC financial statements contribute to the mistrust. It may be that the official statements have to be impenetrable anyone other than an accountant or psychic, but why can't the CFC also publish explanatory information as well.

      Patrick McDonald has complained in a GL that he has never been able to get information about the CYCC finances - and he was the Youth Coordinator for many years.

      Gordon Richie has referred to the money raised in Ottawa as disappearing into a black hole.

      Today, Alan Baljeu writes that membership payments are not acknowledged.

      Yes, there is a great deal of mistrust... it is good to see that the current exec are posting about CFC finances, unlike the bad old days. We don't really think that all the CFC income is going into a secret slush fund for the executive beer bash... but certainly the CFC financial statements don't shed much light on what is being done with the money.

      Ah well, Bob and Fred... in a month, we'll have a new exec to complain about. Meanwhile, the membership continues to decline.


      • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

        Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
        Those others don't provide the Canadian content we have! For the most part, I simply don't care about those other websites, I want to know what is happening in Canada. :D
        I wonder how many CFC members share your view and think the e-zine is important for this. I don't.
        "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


        • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

          Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
          I wonder how many CFC members share your view and think the e-zine is important for this. I don't.
          But that's a good thing. Every national magazine wants to have a cross-section of articles so as to appeal to as many members as possible.

          It may well be that a national magazine simply isn't going to appeal to IM's and above.


          • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

            Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
            But that's a good thing. Every national magazine wants to have a cross-section of articles so as to appeal to as many members as possible.

            It may well be that a national magazine simply isn't going to appeal to IM's and above.
            you would be more convincing if you had some kind of survey and/or review to indicate:

            a) what fraction of CFC members actually get the magazine
            b) how many non members on the distribution list get the magazine (don't tell me it's zero because I have continued to receive it during periods when my membership has lapsed).
            c) of those who get it, how many value it [say versus a choice of lowering their membership by $x].

            You & Bob like it, Tom & I don't (or more precisely, don't think it is worth the money and effort expended on it). I could furnish more names if necessary but this is all anecdotal. Considering what a big portion of the CFC budget this takes up, it is probably not good business practice to base the continued existence of the magazine on the gut of a small number of people. You could be right and it is an essential feature for a significant number of people but until you have some numbers it's all conjecture.


            • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

              Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
              It may well be that a national magazine simply isn't going to appeal to IM's and above.
              IMs and above should write and be paid for articles :p


              • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

                Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
                But that's a good thing. Every national magazine wants to have a cross-section of articles so as to appeal to as many members as possible.

                It may well be that a national magazine simply isn't going to appeal to IM's and above.
                To be clear: I am not implying that the e-zine isn't important in general. I honestly do not know if it is, and have no preconceived idea about whether 30% or 70% of the people would think it is. I don't really expect the CFC to produce a magazine aimed at anyone outside of the 1300-2000 range which would include 80+% of the readership.

                In the past, the physical magazine was important, imo. It was a vehicle to deliver advertising for books and equipment and also the sort of thing that was tangible and you could give to people who weren't members. Nowadays, there are plenty of websites with local content.
                "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


                • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

                  Originally posted by John Brown View Post
                  I think one thing the CFC should look into is a training course for new upcoming wannabee organizers. We old guys are starting to get tired of the grind.
                  IMHO, the fresh organizers always may contact established ones and seek for advices. The wannabees just join the force assisting, and slowly or fast become the main arbiters/organizers. Ontario (GTA+South) grew M.Egorov, A.Ferreira, M.vonKeitz. The new Toronto club, Annex, started to offer FIDE rated events, simuls, lectures. B.Fiedler kicked hardly and the ball is rolling with Canada Opens in Toronto. Ottawa is fortunate to have A.Marghetis.
                  Anyway, the official course is organized during the CO:


                  • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

                    Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
                    In the past, the physical magazine was important, imo.
                    And given a chance, CCN will be that important electronic magazine that serves as a detailed historical record of Canadian Chess.
                    You are comparing it to websites, it is not a website.
                    Consider it an investment in the historical record of Canadian Chess. There is no other detailed historical record. Just as the printed magazine became a treasured collectors item for many members, so will CNN.
                    Give it a chance. :)


                    • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

                      Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                      Those others don't provide the Canadian content we have! For the most part, I simply don't care about those other websites, I want to know what is happening in Canada. :D
                      You should know your enemies :D


                      • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

                        Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                        Well, Hello again John Brown,

                        The handbook has been u[p]dated and is current. If anything is still out of date, then please advise. Or are you saying that further motions are needed to "fine tune" the regulations?
                        I'm wondering, if the CFC Handbook is currently up to date, then as soon as more motions are passed, or the description of the CFC or its services in the Handbook changes in some way (e.g. a move to a different physical office in future), will the CFC always have someone to update the Handbook in a timely manner? In the past, after some point in time, the CFC obviously did not. Maybe it will be easier to assure that the Handbook will be so updated now that it is on the internet!? On the other hand, that may become a low priority in future years, for example.
                        Last edited by Kevin Pacey; Monday, 20th June, 2011, 11:02 PM. Reason: Spelling
                        Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                        Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                        • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

                          Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                          And given a chance, CCN will be that important electronic magazine that serves as a detailed historical record of Canadian Chess.
                          You are comparing it to websites, it is not a website.
                          Consider it an investment in the historical record of Canadian Chess. There is no other detailed historical record. Just as the printed magazine became a treasured collectors item for many members, so will CNN.
                          If CCN is going to serve as historical record (and I think it should) I maintain that it should be printed yearly, even if it is only a few hundred copies. I am certainly old fashioned but somehow I trust hard disks and DVDs less than the good old paper.


                          • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

                            Hi Bob G:

                            Maybe your explanation needs to go onto the website somehow, so you need not keep repeating it - you can just refer people there.

                            Bob A


                            • CFC Handbook Updating Subcommittee

                              The CFC has a CFC Handbook Updating Subcommittee. It is a one-person Subcommittee of Kerry Liles. Kerry updates the website Handbook as soon a the quarterly meetings are concluded - I send him the motions - he is relatively fast at this.

                              He also was doing some clean-up updating, but this got put on hold as the new website came into view. Kerry has been in direct contact with Fred McKim on how the CFC Handbook will fit into the new website, and its updating character.

                              Kerry reports to the Procedures' Committee - I am Chair; Bob Gillanders is the member ( this position is taken each July by the new President ). The chair position is up for reappointment each year.



                              • Re: Official CFC Candidates for President

                                KS thinks a third undeclared candidate is a current executive member.

