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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    The Smart and Hardworking (Example: Bob A! )

    Dilip Panjwani - Post # 3387 - 23/9/19

    "did Bob A not hope that moving away from 'villages' with DM may not be possible for the 'smart and hard working'?"


    What I said was that the smart and hardworking must receive some type of recognition for their greater contribution to the common good in an Earth composed of Democratic Marxist "Villages". But DM will not allow a society with obscene wage gaps such as exist, of necessity, in all Capitalist nations on the globe. This will not be their reward.

    Issue of "Quotes"

    Dilip "quoted" me as follows:

    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    Hi Guys:

    the current obscene wage gap, inevitably the result of Political Corruption

    Bob A (DM'er)

    This is not allowed. You cannot "claim" to be quoting me, and then revise my statement in the quote without any notice to the viewer that this is your statement, not mine!!

    The Quote was:

    "the current obscene wage gap, inevitably the result of Capitalism [Emphasis added]" - Post # 3382 - 23/9/19.

    Bob A (DM'er)
    Highlighting indicated that it was an altered statement (but I agree that was ambiguous). However, you do also believe that political corruption causes an immense disparity between individuals in Capitalism as well as Marxism, right?

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  • Bob Armstrong
    The Smart and Hardworking (Example: Bob A! )

    Dilip Panjwani - Post # 3387 - 23/9/19

    "did Bob A not hope that moving away from 'villages' with DM may not be possible for the 'smart and hard working'?"


    What I said was that the smart and hardworking must receive some type of recognition for their greater contribution to the common good in an Earth composed of Democratic Marxist "Villages". But DM will not allow a society with obscene wage gaps such as exist, of necessity, in all Capitalist nations on the globe. This will not be their reward.

    Issue of "Quotes"

    Dilip "quoted" me as follows:

    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    Hi Guys:

    the current obscene wage gap, inevitably the result of Political Corruption

    Bob A (DM'er)

    This is not allowed. You cannot "claim" to be quoting me, and then revise my statement in the quote without any notice to the viewer that this is your statement, not mine!!

    The Quote was:

    "the current obscene wage gap, inevitably the result of Capitalism [Emphasis added]" - Post # 3382 - 23/9/19.

    Bob A (DM'er)

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Fred Harvey View Post

    What is the old saying? Don't mud wrestle with pigs, because the pigs will enjoy it.......
    Sorry, I have been trying to avoid just that, but sometimes it becomes difficult when faced with outrageous statements...

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

    Hold on this post acceptable?

    My first thought was well...let's check the dictionary,

    Sadistic - taking pleasure in the infliction of pain, punishment, or humiliation of others.

    Dilip, would you like to withdraw your comments?

    Did you not indicate that if the oil companies could pump more and more oil (if Sid's post that more CO2 did not make things worse were true), you would not like it?
    And did Bob A not hope that moving away from 'villages' with DM may not be possible for the 'smart and hard working'?
    You even explicitly refused to explain your statement, and so I was left with interpreting your statement as best as I could...
    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Tuesday, 19th September, 2023, 01:17 PM.

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  • Fred Harvey
    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

    Hold on this post acceptable?

    My first thought was well...let's check the dictionary,

    Sadistic - taking pleasure in the infliction of pain, punishment, or humiliation of others.

    Dilip, would you like to withdraw your comments?

    What is the old saying? Don't mud wrestle with pigs, because the pigs will enjoy it.......

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  • Bob Gillanders
    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

    It seems that Bob A is hoping (in his response to my post #3375) that 'the hard and smart working' get stuck in 'villages' adopting DM because of size limits elsewhere... just like Bob G's objection to Sid's post (beyond a certain limit, CO2 does not trap much heat) was that it would mean the oil companies could pump a lot more! Would someone please find an explanation that these Bobs have not become sadistic (I would hate it if this was true)?
    Hold on this post acceptable?

    My first thought was well...let's check the dictionary,

    Sadistic - taking pleasure in the infliction of pain, punishment, or humiliation of others.

    Dilip, would you like to withdraw your comments?

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Guys:

    Bob A (DM'er)

    P.S. likely this conversation should be in the Human Self-Government thread, no?
    NO! As even a silent observer Fred Harvey has pointed out, the 'rules' in that thread are ridiculous...

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Guys:

    the current obscene wage gap, inevitably the result of Political Corruption

    Bob A (DM'er)
    In DM, there will be more politics (with people trying to mind other people's business), and so more corruption and more inequality than in other systems. In all Marxist countries, as History corroborates, the vast majority are very poor, but some do become very rich by licking the arses of those with various degrees of power over others (not by hard and smart work, the rewards from which will immediately get stolen away by legal theft which you are so fond of...)

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Guys:

    It is my view that there always will be some inequality.......some are simply more adaptable than others (Darwin - survival of the most adaptable).

    And ..... yes......DM's policy is to try to move towards greater equality (Total equality will not be possible, as Neil opines).

    But the "main" DM goal is to progressively close the current obscene wage gap, inevitably the result of Capitalism. How much the gap can be narrowed will be seen in the implementation of DM and how the local community concretizes it for itself.

    Bob A (DM'er)

    P.S. I think we are straying here from COVID-19..........likely this conversation should be in the Human Self-Government thread, no?

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

    I think folks like Bob A. want equality. Force something that is not natural.


    Much love,
    Right. But even in Marxism, 'equality' is elusive, because when everyone tries to work less and play more, the crooks succeed and the honest ones lose badly...

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  • Neil Frarey
    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

    It seems that Bob A is hoping (in his response to my post #3375) that 'the hard and smart working' get stuck in 'villages' adopting DM because of size limits elsewhere... just like Bob G's objection to Sid's post (beyond a certain limit, CO2 does not trap much heat) was that it would mean the oil companies could pump a lot more! Would someone please find an explanation that these Bobs have not become sadistic (I would hate it if this was true)?
    I think folks like Bob A. want equality. Force something that is not natural.


    Much love,

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Dilip:

    People would be free to move, but there likely would have to be a limit to the size of a local political unit........otherwise we would again get metropolises.

    And it a local political unit was so bad it was losing population, then it likely would be forced to solve whatever the problem was! That seems a good dynamic.

    Bob A (As Participant)
    It seems that Bob A is hoping (in his response to my post #3375) that 'the hard and smart working' get stuck in 'villages' adopting DM because of size limits elsewhere... just like Bob G's objection to Sid's post (beyond a certain limit, CO2 does not trap much heat) was that it would mean the oil companies could pump a lot more! Would someone please find an explanation that these Bobs have not become sadistic (I would hate it if this was true)?

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Dilip:

    People would be free to move, but there likely would have to be a limit to the size of a local political unit........otherwise we would again get metropolises.

    And it a local political unit was so bad it was losing population, then it likely would be forced to solve whatever the problem was! That seems a good dynamic.

    Bob A (As Participant)

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

    If I'm understanding what it is you're proposing, I think it's unworkable and undesirable. If you have (tens of) thousands of self-governing villages, how would you ever deal efficiently with all of the disparities of geography and economic potential? How would you deal with funding/building the physical/legal infrastructure needed to support inter-village dealings like trade? How, for example, would you deal with poverty-stricken villages that have no prospects for improving themselves because all of their scarce resources are used up by their subsistence-level existence?
    I do not think that Bob is advocating 'isolated' villages, but rather 'circles within circles', in which just a few steps to 'bigger circles' could encompass the entire world (just do the simple math)! Unfortunately for Bob, such a system could work and also be the most desirable only if everyone is Libertarian-minded, in other words, everyone sticks to accepting and dealing fairly with fundamental human nature and does not try to institute an artificial faulty system like DM or Capitalism.
    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 17th September, 2023, 01:21 PM.

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  • Peter McKillop
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    If the Earth was all local political units (A collection of villages), then we could have direct democracy, eliminate representative democracy (Politicians), and government would be the secretariat for carrying out the will of the people.

    It is not a pipe just needs people to come forward and demand it.

    If I'm understanding what it is you're proposing, I think it's unworkable and undesirable. If you have (tens of) thousands of self-governing villages, how would you ever deal efficiently with all of the disparities of geography and economic potential? How would you deal with funding/building the physical/legal infrastructure needed to support inter-village dealings like trade? How, for example, would you deal with poverty-stricken villages that have no prospects for improving themselves because all of their scarce resources are used up by their subsistence-level existence?

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