COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post

    Are there not tapes from interviews with Woodward? Duh.
    Now (today?) Trump denies that he was downplaying the virus - merely handling it by leadership - and he now blames Woodward for not acting on the information in a timely manner.
    Classic orange-man deflection and obfuscation.
    There are COVID press conferences where Trump said the exact same thing as he said to Woodward to the public. They played them on the internet media and on Fox News side by side. This is FAKE NEWS.

    The media and Dems which were downplaying COVID and berating Trump for the xenophobia of closing borders and impeaching Trump are now demanding that Trump in 20/20 hindsight should have done something different. He did more than the Dems in a similar situation would have done.

    There is going to be much weeping and gnashing of teeth on November 4th.


    • Vlad, you label anything anti-Trump as fake news, and anything pro-Trump as legitimate news. The other side does the opposite. Do you not see that you have fallen into the trap? Fine, you like his right wing policies, and I confess that so do I for the most part. But wake up and smell the coffee sir. Your man is a flop, a disaster, irrespective of any of his policies. The first person to ban smoking in the public workplace, the first fighter for women's rights, and the first green environmentalist was Adolph Hitler, but guess what, I still hate his guts.
      Last edited by Brad Thomson; Friday, 11th September, 2020, 05:25 PM.


      • Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

        There are COVID press conferences where Trump said the exact same thing as he said to Woodward to the public. They played them on the internet media and on Fox News side by side. This is FAKE NEWS.

        The media and Dems which were downplaying COVID and berating Trump for the xenophobia of closing borders and impeaching Trump are now demanding that Trump in 20/20 hindsight should have done something different. He did more than the Dems in a similar situation would have done.

        There is going to be much weeping and gnashing of teeth on November 4th.
        The National Review - a long-established and well-respected publication for conservatives. By "conservatives," I do not mean Trumpists. I'm referring to responsible, decent, intelligent people whose political beliefs are generally right of centre. In any event, here's a short article by a conservative, an editor of the National Review, which has a different take on Trump's covid performance:

        p.s. "He did more than the Dems in a similar situation would have done." 》》》》pure speculation
        "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
        "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
        "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


        • Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
          He did more than the Dems in a similar situation would have done.
          In 2014, Obama sent medical teams to combat Ebola in Africa. It had the potential to become a global pandemic.
          In the end, 2 American deaths. Trump death toll is now 200,000 plus and climbing.


          • Bob, I am beginning to think that Vlad does not mean what he says, he is simply rabble rousing. He is too intelligent to believe what he purports to believe. So is Neil for that matter. Everyone knows Trump is an idiot, though as I have suggested, there is nothing wrong with leaning well to the right on the political spectrum and agreeing with some of his policies.


            • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

              The National Review - a long-established and well-respected publication for conservatives. By "conservatives," I do not mean Trumpists. I'm referring to responsible, decent, intelligent people whose political beliefs are generally right of centre. In any event, here's a short article by a conservative, an editor of the National Review, which has a different take on Trump's covid performance:


              p.s. "He did more than the Dems in a similar situation would have done." 》》》》pure speculation
              RINOs. They are upset that their cruises are not selling like they once did when Bush and Obama were president.


              • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                Click image for larger version

Name:	FB_IMG_1599012322514.jpg
Views:	161
Size:	24.0 KB
ID:	208100 ​​​​​​​
                ROTFLMAO - thanks!


                • Amazingly (to me anyway), the States' per capita death rate has just passed Italy's!!

                  Here are the worst dozen countries in deaths per million:

                  1) San Marino @ 1237
                  2) Peru @ 922
                  3) Belgium @ 855
                  4) Andorra @ 686
                  5) Spain @ 636
                  6) Chile @ 619
                  7) Bolivia @ 619
                  8) Brazil @ 613
                  9) UK @ 612
                  10) Ecuador @ 612
                  11) USA @ 596
                  12) Italy @ 589


                  • Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
                    Amazingly (to me anyway), the States' per capita death rate has just passed Italy's!!

                    Here are the worst dozen countries in deaths per million:

                    1) San Marino @ 1237
                    2) Peru @ 922
                    3) Belgium @ 855
                    4) Andorra @ 686
                    5) Spain @ 636
                    6) Chile @ 619
                    7) Bolivia @ 619
                    8) Brazil @ 613
                    9) UK @ 612
                    10) Ecuador @ 612
                    11) USA @ 596
                    12) Italy @ 589
                    You are surprised? Not me. You can expect USA to continue to climb up the ladder.
                    Trump still doing super spreader events with his supporters refusing to wear masks.

                    They are celebrating a drop in new cases to about 40k per day.
                    But with a mortality rate of 5% of cases, USA can expect a death rate of 2,000 per day ( 40k x 5%)


                    • After 6 months Canada has 135,000 + cases and 9100+ deaths. We were once 11th on the world list, now we are 26th. Thats better. However we are still increasing at 15,000 cases a month.


                      • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                        Bob, I am beginning to think that Vlad does not mean what he says, he is simply rabble rousing. He is too intelligent to believe what he purports to believe. So is Neil for that matter. Everyone knows Trump is an idiot, though as I have suggested, there is nothing wrong with leaning well to the right on the political spectrum and agreeing with some of his policies.
                        Brad, you maybe underestimating the power of propaganda. Repeating lies over and over again until some start to believe. Fox news are very good at it, and they have been at it for a long time. If you find yourself listening to Fox for more than say 10 minutes, listen quietly to inside your skull, you may actually hear your brain cells screaming in pain as they are being tortured.


                        • Missouri is the 21st state to go over 100,000. So theres 21 states over 100,000 and a further 13 over 50,000.


                          • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                            Brad, you maybe underestimating the power of propaganda. Repeating lies over and over again until some start to believe. Fox news are very good at it, and they have been at it for a long time. If you find yourself listening to Fox for more than say 10 minutes, listen quietly to inside your skull, you may actually hear your brain cells screaming in pain as they are being tortured.
                            You may be right. Whether Vlad is buying into the propaganda is for him to decide. I flip between FOX, CNN and CNBC. All three are total bullshit in my opinion, all of them are "fake news". The first thinks Trump is God, the second and third think he is the Devil. The gap where the common sense middle should exist is ever widening, and the implosion continues unabated. I believe Trump to be human just like the rest of us, and I do not think that he was an especially bad President before COVID-19, certainly no worse than Obama or Bush or Clinton or Bush or Reagan, though he is a little rougher around the edges. My hatred of the man is due to his grotesque mishandling of the pandemic. He is proving to be a very small man who has not risen to the occasion because he is too stupid, arrogant, narcissistic, delusional and racist to do so. He is a snake oil salesman, and now he is trying to fix the election. He should be shot. He is killing America and dividing it more and more just when the opposite, a true statesman, is desperately needed. I welcome the suicide of America, and I only hope that Canada does not suffer too much in the way of collateral damage.


                            • Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
                              Amazingly (to me anyway), the States' per capita death rate has just passed Italy's!!

                              Here are the worst dozen countries in deaths per million:

                              1) San Marino @ 1237
                              2) Peru @ 922
                              3) Belgium @ 855
                              4) Andorra @ 686
                              5) Spain @ 636
                              6) Chile @ 619
                              7) Bolivia @ 619
                              8) Brazil @ 613
                              9) UK @ 612
                              10) Ecuador @ 612
                              11) USA @ 596
                              12) Italy @ 589
                              Wait until India really gets going.


                              • Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post

                                Wait until India really gets going.
                                Well India has a huge denominator. As bad as they seem to be headed, right now, their per capita death rate is not even 1/10th that of the States. Quite the staggering comparison.

