COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • I've read recent medical literature that vaccines should not induce cytokine storms. This is because a vaccine-induced immune response is supposed to help with the development of a germinal center, and the resultant creation and immortalization of high-quality antibodies that would provide long-lasting protecting against COVID-19. At the same time, for autopsies of deceased COVID-19 patients, examinations of the spleen and lymph nodes are finding lack of germinal centers, which are an essential part of a continuing immune response. I do admit being suspicious of anti-vaxx-ness.


    • Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
      I've read recent medical literature that vaccines should not induce cytokine storms. This is because a vaccine-induced immune response is supposed to help with the development of a germinal center, and the resultant creation and immortalization of high-quality antibodies that would provide long-lasting protecting against COVID-19. At the same time, for autopsies of deceased COVID-19 patients, examinations of the spleen and lymph nodes are finding lack of germinal centers, which are an essential part of a continuing immune response. I do admit being suspicious of anti-vaxx-ness.
      Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
      vaccines should not induce cytokine storm
      This recent paper clearly states otherwise. In fact the data from past animal tests for earlier Sars viruses show otherwise. Without doing the animal tests first we have a critical piece of data missing."Should" is not good enough in science. Data before distribution has always been an imperative. Common sense was abandoned here in the rush to come out with a vaccine. Show us the refutation to this paper I am sure that would be useful information for everyone here.

      "Going forwards, it will be crucial to evaluate animal and clinical datasets for signs of ADE, and to balance ADE-related safety risks against intervention efficacy if clinical ADE is observed"

      Click image for larger version  Name:	cat Screen Shot 2020-12-19 at 12.49.44 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	1.57 MB ID:	210594
      Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 19th December, 2020, 08:27 PM.


      • People keep asking me if I would take the vaccine myself. I believe in vaccines and get the annual flu shot (when I remember to), so the question really is do you think the vaccine was rushed by the White House and maybe they cut corners on safety. Certainly a valid concern. My answer is usually, sure i would get it, but maybe not first in line. :)

        To increase public confidence in the safety of COVID19 vaccine, about and beyond any other measures currently employed, I would add one additional quality control check. Before any shipment of the vaccine, one vile per shipment is publicly administered to a Trump family member. That would mean each family member would be receiving many multiple shots, but hey, it's safe, right?


        • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
          People keep asking me if I would take the vaccine myself. I believe in vaccines and get the annual flu shot (when I remember to), so the question really is do you think the vaccine was rushed by the White House and maybe they cut corners on safety. Certainly a valid concern. My answer is usually, sure i would get it, but maybe not first in line. :)

          To increase public confidence in the safety of COVID19 vaccine, about and beyond any other measures currently employed, I would add one additional quality control check. Before any shipment of the vaccine, one vile per shipment is publicly administered to a Trump family member. That would mean each family member would be receiving many multiple shots, but hey, it's safe, right?
          Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
          maybe they cut corners on safety.
          Hey, we totally agree on something! Imagine that!

          CDC Updates New Vaccine Guidelines"-People with allergies need to avoid vaccine. Out of 112807 administered 3107 had "health impact events" "unable to perform normal daily activities unable to work require care"

          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 20th December, 2020, 05:32 PM.


          • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
            Hey, we totally agree on something! Imagine that!

            CDC Updates New Vaccine Guidelines"-People with allergies need to avoid vaccine. Out of 112807 administered 3107 had "health impact events" "unable to perform normal daily activities unable to work require care"

            I think those 3107 cases were not due to sever allergies. In most cases the body reacts to a virus would it be alive or dead (vaccine).
            Now tell us what would be those 3107 reactions and outcome if they contracted the real COVID virus?


            • Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post

              I think those 3107 cases were not due to sever allergies. In most cases the body reacts to a virus would it be alive or dead (vaccine).
              Now tell us what would be those 3107 reactions and outcome if they contracted the real COVID virus?
              If you are under 70 with no health issues the chances of succumbing to the COVID19 virus for all practical purposes is zero. I am surprised you would not know that.

              By the way a new mutation of the virus just appeared in the UK that is 70% more virulent. It is very possible that the vaccines will not inoculate against this new strain. So the only option that remains are early treatment options that I have presented countless times here. Here is technical information on the new mutant in the UK.
              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 20th December, 2020, 09:20 PM.


              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                If you are under 70 with no health issues the chances of succumbing to the COVID19 virus for all practical purposes is zero. I am surprised you would not know that.
                Though those 3000 also have not succumbed to the vaccine. As for a long term effects of Covid it is too early to make conclusions.

                Everyone is expecting that mutations will happen unless the virus is eliminated completely. Flu and SARS are examples. Science plays a cat & mouse game with the mouse being Jerry.


                • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                  By the way a new mutation of the virus just appeared in the UK that is 70% more virulent. It is very possible that the vaccines will not inoculate against this new strain. So the only option that remains ...
                  I don't understand your logic. It's not known yet whether any of the existing vaccines, or the upcoming ones, will protect against the new UK strain ("very possible"?!) Regardless, why wouldn't someone protect themselves and their community by vaccinating to increase protection against the strains that are right here right now? By the way, there's many strains already. Viruses mutate.


                  • Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post

                    I don't understand your logic. It's not known yet whether any of the existing vaccines, or the upcoming ones, will protect against the new UK strain ("very possible"?!) Regardless, why wouldn't someone protect themselves and their community by vaccinating to increase protection against the strains that are right here right now? By the way, there's many strains already. Viruses mutate.
                    The risks far outweigh the benefits. The virus is easily treatable on onset of early symptoms and has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. While we are testing rushed vaccines unjustified lock downs and millions being deprived of their livelihood continue.Do you not think it would be easier to deliver nutritional immune system boosting supplements such as Quercetin Zn d3 and C to elder care facilities that people have safely consumed safely for decades?
                    Those are treatments that are not yet banned by Govts.

                    Let me offer you this. Aided by AI software I developed and trained to summarize research papers I reviewed over 700 published papers on HCQ. Below is truly the best chronology of the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated since World War 2.


                    If anyone wants to play with the AI I developed that will be released publicly early in the new year and is currently being tested by a very large pharmaceutical company feel free to send me a direct message to get a link to the app. We also got approved in record time by Apple for the iphone app and will gladly send a link to install the beta version that will be moved to the main app store soon.


                    • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                      Mike Pence is not well educated in biological sciences so I would not use him as a barometer for evaluating the safety of a rushed vaccine. Earlier MRNA vaccines were tested on animals and in fact failed for SARsCOV1. Basically the finding was that when an animal was vaccinated when it was re-exposed to a mutant of SarCOV1 virus post vaccination the body being primed by the dead virus from the vaccine has a more violent auto immune response causing deadly "cytokine storms" we see now for late stage COVID19 patients.
                      The Pfizer vaccine was not tested on animals and we have already seen some volunteers in the human trials have severe side effects. Below is a paper that gives a good outline of what I am saying.

                      Everyone here really needs to use your chess skills and think ahead a few moves ie "What happens after I am vaccinated and I am eventually re-exposed to the virus?" This is why without long term studies it is a really bad idea to rush a vaccine. Do your own due diligence and be very careful! Stay well and be safe!

                      "In SARS, a type of “priming” of the immune system was observed during animal studies of SARS spike protein-based vaccines leading to increased morbidity and mortality in vaccinated animals who were subsequently exposed to wild SARS virus."


                      Thanks Sid.

                      Barely There Biden finally saw the light of using good optics and got his COVID-19 vaccine shots :) With a throng of reporters all around he had this to say about President Trump...

                      "I think the administration deserves some credit for getting us off the ground with Operation Warp Speed."

                      For a very brief moment there Joe Biden left the DC swamp.


                      • Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

                        Thanks Sid.

                        Barely There Biden finally saw the light of using good optics and got his COVID-19 vaccine shots :)

                        Biden's actually already been doing that for months by publicly wearing a mask at every opportunity and talking about how important they are. You may be confusing him with Trump, who refused to publicly wear a mask until July, repeatedly mocked Biden for wearing one, constantly gave mixed messaging on whether or not he thinks they're important, hosted superspreader events, etc.


                        • Some probable good news regarding the new UK variant (B.1.1.7) quoted from the CBC today:

                          Experts say COVID-19 vaccines appeared to be adequate in generating an immune response to this variant of the coronavirus.

                          "We are not seeing … any gross changes in the spike protein that will reduce vaccine effectiveness so far," said Julian Tang, professor and clinical virologist at Leicester University.


                          • Originally posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
                            Some probable good news regarding the new UK variant (B.1.1.7) quoted from the CBC today:

                            Experts say COVID-19 vaccines appeared to be adequate in generating an immune response to this variant of the coronavirus.

                            "We are not seeing … any gross changes in the spike protein that will reduce vaccine effectiveness so far," said Julian Tang, professor and clinical virologist at Leicester University.
                            I hope what Dr Julian Tang is saying is true.Other scientists say otherwise. Flu vaccines are changed every year because of rapid mutations and have not been very successful in eliminating the Flu as a leading cause of death. COVID19 has been more successful at eliminating the FLU that by miracle virtually wiped out Flu deaths in the US and Canada this year...:-).

                            This document from the UK published by Medical professionals is interesting
                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	210639


                            • The World Homicide Organization WHO finally admits that the PCR tests are yielding too many false positives. Something I have been talking about here for months. Keep in mind that a test that yields 90% + false positives is the basis of unjustified restrictions and lock-downs in Canada and around the world. What do you think the increase in drug overdoes and suicides has been as a result of these lock-downs that are not based on science?

                              "Description of the problem: WHO has received user feedback on an elevated risk for false SARS-CoV-2 results when testing specimens using RT-PCR reagents on open systems"



                              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                                The World Homicide Organization WHO finally admits that the PCR tests are yielding too many false positives. Something I have been talking about here for months. Keep in mind that a test that yields 90% + false positives is the basis of unjustified restrictions and lock-downs in Canada and around the world.
                                Ok, I have to counter this disinformation. I am not going to deny that the testing does result in a small number of false positives. No test is perfect. BUT YOU CANNOT USE THIS AS EVIDENCE THAT THE CURRENT LOCKDOWNS IN CANADA ARE UNJUSTIFIED. Here is why.

                                FACT: In August 21 of this year the daily number of tests performed in Ontario, Quebec, Albert and British Columbia totaled 47830 (I am using these 4 provinces as they perform the most tests and I don't have the time to complete the math for all 13 provinces and territories.).
                                FACT: In August 21 of this year the 7 day daily average of new Covid-19 cases in Canada was 391/day.
                                FACT: In August 21 of this year the 7 day daily average of new deaths due to Covid-19 cases in Canada was 7/day.
                                FACT: In December 21 of this year the daily number of tests performed in Ontario, Quebec, Albert and British Columbia totaled 124221. This is an increase of 2.6 times.

                                So, if I assume that most if not all of these tests were false positives, I would expect the daily number of new cases increase in proportion to the number of tests performed, and the number of new deaths to not change very much at all. So if the false positive claim was true, then the number of new cases reported daily would be about 1016 new cases per day and say 10 new deaths per day.

                                FACT: In December 21 of this year the 7 day daily average of new Covid-19 cases in Canada was 6722/day, an increase of 17 times.
                                FACT: In August 21 of this year the 7 day daily average of new deaths due to Covid-19 cases in Canada was 111/day, an increase of 16 times.

                                Bottom line, the case rate and death rate are both climbing rapidly, and there is NO WAY it can be attributed to false positives. So this Christmas Holiday, PLEASE:

                                1) Accept the reality that the high Covid-19 rates are real.
                                2) Stay home. Don't visit family or friends, no matter how hard it is.
                                3) If you do HAVE to leave your home, wear a mask.

                                (Data taken from
                                Last edited by Garland Best; Wednesday, 23rd December, 2020, 01:46 PM. Reason: Typo.

