COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
    "However, experts are evaluating this figure amid the delta variant surge" Exactly right, the virus that the experimental injection was engineered for is long gone as already exhaustively discussed here. For a science teacher, your understanding of science and data is superficial at best. The worst part is your ignorance is causing tremendous harm.
    Originally posted by Brian Profit
    You do realise that ivermectin is the drug used to treat River blindness and that there has been over 4 billion doses administered world wide. A dose of bovine Penicillin would also kill a human, that doesn’t make penicillin lethal. Misinformation at its finest.

    99.1% of the COVID viruses in the US are now the delta strain. The vaccine is obsolete!

    Click image for larger version

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    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 3rd September, 2021, 02:22 PM.


    • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

      "However, experts are evaluating this figure amid the delta variant surge" Exactly right, the virus that the experimental injection was engineered for is long gone as already exhaustively discussed here. For a science teacher, your understanding of science and data is superficial at best. The worst part is your ignorance is causing tremendous harm.

      My ignorance is causing tremendous harm? You mean posting that wearing masks is just a way to control people, isn't? For an covidiot, your understanding of science and data is superficial at best. You are a classic neighsayer.


      • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post

        My ignorance is causing tremendous harm? You mean posting that wearing masks is just a way to control people, isn't? For an covidiot, your understanding of science and data is superficial at best. You are a classic neighsayer.
        Good luck explaining this to your students, better still explain it to all of us here on chess talk. You POS moronic troll.
        While you are at it show all of us even one random control trial in the last 40 years that ever showed that masks prevented viral transmission. Not opinions, real data that everyone can get behind.

        Yes, your ignorance is causing tremendous harm. Especially supporting fascist governments that interfere in the Dr. Patient relationship and consider science fake news and no longer support evidence-based medicine.

        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 3rd September, 2021, 05:03 PM.


        • Peer-reviewed meta-analyses? I sleep
          Some guy vaping while wearing a mask? REAL SHIT


          • Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post
            Peer-reviewed meta-analyses? I sleep
            Some guy vaping while wearing a mask? REAL SHIT
            Explain it you brain-dead moron. Even with a grade 6 level science education, you can take a crack at it.
            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 3rd September, 2021, 05:07 PM.


            • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

              Explain it you brain-dead moron. Even with a grade 6 level science education, you can take a crack at it.
              Sorry, I don't engage with people whose arguments are so poor that they have to resort to ad hominems. Very childish behaviour on your part.


              • Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post

                Sorry, I don't engage with people whose arguments are so poor that they have to resort to ad hominems. Very childish behaviour on your part.
                Oh sure, you don't engage because you are too ignorant about the subject to even try. The fact is that when you actually have to think for yourself mindlessly cutting and pasting worthless pharma-sponsored propaganda papers you don't have the knowledge to do so. Do you really think the physics of masks changed suddenly in 2020? Oh sorry, I forgot, anything to support your political narrative even if it means denying people treatment before it's too late to go to the hospital. I don't engage with people that can't even recognize genocide and medical tyrannywhen it is going on right before their eyes. Take your great reset politics that Trudeau loves talking about and shove it up your ass.
                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 3rd September, 2021, 05:34 PM.


                • For those interested in the actual science, here's another recent review by some people with at least a grade 6-level science education:

                  Our review of the literature offers evidence in favor of widespread mask use as source control to reduce community transmission: Nonmedical masks use materials that obstruct particles of the necessary size; people are most infectious in the initial period postinfection, where it is common to have few or no symptoms (45, 46, 141); nonmedical masks have been effective in reducing transmission of respiratory viruses; and places and time periods where mask usage is required or widespread have shown substantially lower community transmission.

                  The available evidence suggests that near-universal adoption of nonmedical masks when out in public, in combination with complementary public health measures, could successfully reduce ReRe to below 1, thereby reducing community spread if such measures are sustained. Economic analysis suggests that mask wearing mandates could add 1 trillion dollars to the US GDP (32, 34).


                  • Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post
                    For those interested in the actual science, here's another recent review by some people with at least a grade 6-level science education:
                    Oh wow, the fascist moron knows how to cut and paste and pharma corrupted propaganda but has not read any of it. Here is the published RCT Masks during COVID idiot .Data talks, bullshit walks. Not so easy to bullshit about data from an RCT.



                    • Or if you prefer videos, here's one from some people who have perhaps even graduated from high school:

                      A tweet with another visualization from a doctor involved with that video:


                      • Sid: Anyone loses all credibility when they use terms like “conspiracy theorist”

                        Also Sid: Everything that disagrees with me is just pseudoscience/big pharma propaganda

                        You seem real mad today. Maybe take a break from your online conspiracy groups and go outside for a bit.


                        • Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post
                          Or if you prefer videos, here's one from some people who have perhaps even graduated from high school:

                          A tweet with another visualization from a doctor involved with that video:
                          1)Tweet refers to bacterial we are talking about viral transmission
                          2)Actual video rather than cartoons of what actually happens much more convincing
                          You really are an idiot



                          • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                            1)Tweet refers to bacterial we are talking about viral transmission
                            2)Actual video rather than cartoons of what actually happens much more convincing
                            You really are an idiot

                            1) I know that you prefer watching videos by random conspiracy theorists random than actually reading, but that's addressed in there:

                            "100% true: bacteria are incredibly different from viruses! But since we expect respiratory droplets to be what primarily spreads #COVID19, I exploit the presence of (easily to grow and visualize) bacteria in respiratory droplets, to show where they go."

                            2) ...It says what it is in the title: schlieren imaging. That is not a cartoon. You can literally see it in the first second of the video. Are you okay? Can you actually not tell the difference between reality and a cartoon?


                            • Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post

                              1) I know that you prefer watching videos by random conspiracy theorists random than actually reading, but that's addressed in there:

                              "100% true: bacteria are incredibly different from viruses! But since we expect respiratory droplets to be what primarily spreads #COVID19, I exploit the presence of (easily to grow and visualize) bacteria in respiratory droplets, to show where they go."

                              2) ...It says what it is in the title: schlieren imaging. That is not a cartoon. You can literally see it in the first second of the video. Are you okay? Can you actually not tell the difference between reality and a cartoon?
                              Viruses float for up to three hours in the air just like the vapor in the video does. The video you posted does not address aerosolized viruses. Welcome to the 21st century, too difficult a concept for the brainwashed to comprehend, unbelievable! There is a reason why no RCT data in 40 years has never shown efficacy for mask preventing viral transmission. Even in the year 2020 of censored and fraudulent science they could not come up with an RCT that shows masks stop viral transmission. The one RCT I posted from 2020 shows the opposite. I am amazed that that paper was not forced to be retracted by pharma corrupted editors as often has been the case in 2020.

                              "But since we expect respiratory droplets to be what primarily spreads #COVID19"
                              The virus is aerosolized and is transmitted that way. In fact the virus is encased in lipid and oil and water do not mix well, so yes it is theoretically possible
                              for a virus to be entrapped in a water particle but the lions shares of transmission of viruses are aerosolized that float around in the air like tiny dust particles.
                              The expectation they refer to is a very very rare exception of mode of transmission. This is a fraudulent presentation.
                              By the way it is not very hard to spin a solution in a centrifuge scoop up the top layer that contains the lightest particles culture in a petri dish and if you get plaques in the medium (holes) that is where bacteria had lysed and you prove there are viral particles there. The plaques are very visible.
                              This presentation avoided those extra steps as it would disprove the hypothesis that they desire.

                              As far as being angry I am steaming mad today! I lost a friend's fully vaxxed mother today with the delta variant where she was on a ventilator being plowed with toxic remedesivar and denied any form of treatment (Steroids, blood thinners, zinc inophores etc) she was at the Orlando South Lake hospital in Clermont. I found another hospital in Orlando that does do treatment protocols but it was too little too late to transfer her to the other hospital and she died this morning untreated.
                              We have had 10 cases where an attorney Ralph Loringo of New York successfully sued hospitals to allow our Dr's to administer ivermectin to patients that were ventilated and near-death and all lives were saved. This one was close to me and it was a bit too late.
                              So diplomacy and being nice is gone for me. I will say whatever is on my mind and that is it.
                              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 3rd September, 2021, 06:58 PM.



                                Masks seem to work, if you can look passed your politics.

                                It is exactly what you have been crying like a baby for.

                                "We now have evidence from a randomized, controlled trial that mask promotion increases the use of face coverings and prevents the spread of COVID-19,” said Stephen Luby, MD, professor of medicine at Stanford."

                                I am sorry for the death of your friend's mother. But she was old or probably had a comorbidity. That is how you dismissed deaths on this thread on Wed, July 7th when I said that 99.3% of deaths were among the unvaccinated.

                                "Maybe you should be interested in the stat that 99.3 of those dead of COVID had comorbidities or were the elderly."

                                Last edited by Brian Profit; Friday, 3rd September, 2021, 07:22 PM.

