COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • So many lies and/or messages from misinformed people in this thread...

    It is so sad that Covid 19 vaccine hesitancy costs so much to Canada and Canadian tax payers:

    COVID-19 misinformation cost at least 2,800 lives and $300M, new report says | CBC News


    • Originally posted by Patrick Gougeon View Post
      So many lies and/or messages from misinformed people in this thread...

      It is so sad that Covid 19 vaccine hesitancy costs so much to Canada and Canadian tax payers:

      COVID-19 misinformation cost at least 2,800 lives and $300M, new report says | CBC News

      It is so sad that uninformed people believe absurd pharma corrupted Govt sponsored propaganda.

      Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 29th January, 2023, 08:17 AM.


      • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
        It is so sad that uninformed people believe absurd pharma corrupted Govt sponsored propaganda.
        Not too long ago, Pfizer agreed to pay two and a half billion dollars as penalty for deceptive marketing. With this providing an indication of the scale at which such deception has been occurring, and my continuing personal experiences as a professional, I believe that what we need is the government, Universities, regulatory bodies and all institutions in general (and MSM can join in too), encouraging more formal debates rather than taking sides without ever debating, as is rampant now...


        • Originally posted by Patrick Gougeon View Post
          So many lies and/or messages from misinformed people in this thread.

          It is so sad that Covid 19 vaccine hesitancy costs so much to Canada and Canadian tax payers
          Hey Pat ... you know what's sadder than that?


          Informed to be a pandemic of the unvaxxed. A horrible terrible pandemic caused by the misinformed. Ya?

          Then what, Pat?

          You were silenced by science.

          COVID-19 easily transmitted by you the vaccinated.


          Then what, Pat? Efficacy of masks? Double masks? Triple masks?

          Now what?

          Some people die and cost us some dollars?


          This was NEVER a pandemic of the unvaxxed ... NEVER. That spew of mRNA tech injected into all of your lives NEVER stopped the spread of COVID-19 ... NEVER. Were you misinformed? Not possible. Or was it? It was your social duty, your obligation to protect your neighbor.

          And after all of that crush you talk to me / us about what, Pat ... being misinformed?

          Seriously, misinformed?

          Lawsuits are coming for your kind Pat ... the informed kind.

          Businesses were ruined ... homes lost ... lives lost ... mob forced upon us all by the oh-so informed.

          Last edited by Neil Frarey; Sunday, 29th January, 2023, 06:24 AM.


          • We could recoup the money lost because of hesitancy by defunding the CBC. Two problems solved.
            "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


            • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

              Not too long ago, Pfizer agreed to pay two and a half billion dollars as penalty for deceptive marketing. With this providing an indication of the scale at which such deception has been occurring, and my continuing personal experiences as a professional, I believe that what we need is the government, Universities, regulatory bodies and all institutions in general (and MSM can join in too), encouraging more formal debates rather than taking sides without ever debating, as is rampant now...

              What you are referring to happened in 2009, more than 10 years before covid. So if anything, Pfizer's huge penalty back then should have made them much more reluctant to do any false marketing for their covid vaccines ("once bitten, twice shy").

              You are trying to make out Pfizer to be a repeat offender, and if you have evidence for that, please supply it. Without such evidence, your statements would have to be ruled inadmissable in a court of law on Pfizer's guilt or innocence of false claims for their vaccines.

              Understand that I am not defending Pfizer, I am only stating facts for the record. Pfizer may indeed be a repeat offender, but the way you worded your post Dilip left out vital details in what almost seems a deliberate attempt to tar Pfizer as falsely marketing their covid vaccines, something you would appear biased to believe unless you have specific evidence.


              • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                What you are referring to happened in 2009, more than 10 years before covid. So if anything, Pfizer's huge penalty back then should have made them much more reluctant to do any false marketing for their covid vaccines ("once bitten, twice shy").

                You are trying to make out Pfizer to be a repeat offender, and if you have evidence for that, please supply it. Without such evidence, your statements would have to be ruled inadmissable in a court of law on Pfizer's guilt or innocence of false claims for their vaccines.

                Understand that I am not defending Pfizer, I am only stating facts for the record. Pfizer may indeed be a repeat offender, but the way you worded your post Dilip left out vital details in what almost seems a deliberate attempt to tar Pfizer as falsely marketing their covid vaccines, something you would appear biased to believe unless you have specific evidence.
                Here you go.

                Calls for Immediate Suspension of the COVID-19 Vaccines Now Hit South Africa - Court Action Launched by 3 Non-profit Companies (VIDEO)

                More and more medical experts, scientists, and right group advocates in Africa are now demanding that the government should stop its COVID-19 vaccination campaign due to its devastating side effects among patients.

                “What we are witnessing in South Africa seems to be comparative to what is reported of happening in other countries, in as far as the adverse events being witnessed among the jabbed,” he said in court documents.

                One of South Africa’s leading mainstream media aired an almost ten-minute piece to discuss the calls to stop the Covid-19 vaccine.

                We know the pharmaceutical industry has a long history of criminal behavior. We are here to protect the public,” said Shabnam Mohamed, CEO of Transformative Health Justice.

                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 31st January, 2023, 01:58 PM.


                • Hot Off the Press: Masks Don't Work

                  A Cochrane Database Systematic Review

                  Dr. Byram W. Bridle

                  Here is one of the main take-home messages from the paper...
                  "Wearing masks [medical/surgical] in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks"

                  Even in the context of N95/P2 respirators, this is what the authors concluded…
                  There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection.


                  Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 6th February, 2023, 12:11 AM.


                  • ‘Elite’ Scientists Caused Deaths by Misleading Public on COVID, Newsweek Op-ed Author says

                    In an op-ed published today in Newsweek, Kevin Bass, M.S., an M.D./Ph.D. student, blasted the elitism of the scientific community and called on it to take responsibility for the deadly consequences of misleading the public about COVID-19. By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

                    An op-ed in Newsweek today blasted the elitism of the scientific community and called on it to take responsibility for the deadly consequences of misleading the public about COVID-19.

                    “I was wrong,” wrote Kevin Bass, M.S., a 7th-year M.D./Ph.D. student at a Texas medical school. “We in the scientific community were wrong. And it cost lives.”

                    Like many medical students and researchers, Bass said he initially believed the information put out by public health authorities. He advocated for lockdowns, vaccines and boosters.

                    But now it is clear the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration “repeatedly overstated the evidence and misled the public” about a wide range of topics — including but not limited to natural immunity, the need for school closures, the effectiveness of masks and vaccine safety and effectiveness, Bass said.

                    The biggest mistake of all, he argued, was made by a scientific community that fell in lockstep behind these institutions without concern for the needs of the broader public.

                    “We created policy based on our preferences, then justified it using data,” Bass wrote. “And then we portrayed those opposing our efforts as misguided, ignorant, selfish, and evil.”

                    This approach abandoned the principles of science and created an “us versus them” mindset in public health that fractured society and exacerbated existing health and economic disparities.

                    The “emotional response and ingrained partisanship” of the scientific community led it to minimize the downsides of systematically imposed interventions.

                    “We violated the autonomy of those who would be most negatively impacted by our policies: the poor, the working class, small business owners, Blacks and Latinos, and children” who were already marginalized in society, Bass said.

                    And not only did most scientists fail to support alternative scientific voices — like those of Dr. John Ioannidis, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Ph.D., Dr. Scott Atlas, Vinay Prasad M.D., MPH and Dr. Monica Gandhi, MPH — he said, they worked to disparage and suppress them.

                    By dismissing valid critiques by former President Trump as “buffoonery” and treating dissenters with similar scorn, the scientific community also alienated large segments of the public and opened space for “conspiracy theories” on social media, he added.

                    The government then used the presence of some uninformed analyses as justification to conspire with Big Tech to “aggressively suppress” so-called “misinformation” and erase opponents’ valid concerns.

                    The privileged elite who made these policies — members of academia, government, medicine, journalism, tech and public health — failed to understand that critics from outside of their social class could possibly hold a valid point of view, he said.

                    The outcome of their approach to policymaking is a “massive and ongoing loss of life” due to loss of faith in the healthcare system, spiking rates of mental illness, increased suicide and gun violence, a catastrophic loss of education disproportionately experienced by the poor, and a loss of trust in healthcare, scientific authorities and political leaders, he said.

                    “We crafted policy for the people without consulting them,” Bass wrote. “If our public health officials had led with less hubris, the course of the pandemic in the United States might have had a very different outcome, with far fewer lost lives,” he concluded.

                    Bass joins experts speaking out in mainstream media and beyond

                    Bass, a medical student with a master’s degree in immunology, keeps the institution where he studies private out of concern for his professional security.

                    In addition to his studies, he runs a website called The Diet Wars dedicated to exploring the effects of nutrition and treatments on health.

                    Bass first made his shifting position on COVID-19 policies public to his almost 60,000 Twitter followers last month:

                    He joined a number of health professionals and experts calling for a re-examination of the policies imposed in the name of mitigating the effects of COVID-19.

                    Some mainstream media outlets, such as The Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Associated Press and Newsweek, have begun to publish similar concerns.

                    Earlier this month, in a live television appearance on the BBC, cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra took the network by surprise when he made the “unprompted” suggestion that mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, pose a cardiovascular risk.

                    Malhotra was one of the first to take the Pfizer vaccine and he publicly promoted the vaccines on TV. But once he thoroughly reviewed the scientific safety data, he became convinced the vaccines pose unprecedented harm, he told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), in an October 2022 interview.

                    Late Sunday night, Retsef Levi, Ph.D., with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, posted a video on Twitter calling for an end to COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.

                    Levi said the vaccines failed to deliver the promised efficacy, and that based on his risk analysis, the vaccines “cause unprecedented levels of harm, including the death of young people and children.”

                    “This is clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products both in terms of efficacy and safety,” he said.

                    This weekend, Prasad announced he was joining the campaign by Bass and a number of doctors, researchers who are swearing not to take any more vaccines without randomized controlled trials (RCT).

                    Prasad wrote on his Substack:

                    “The issue with perpetual COVID-19 boosters is what evidence is needed to justify their push? The answer has to be randomized trials powered for reductions in severe disease, hospitalization and death.

                    “Yet the FDA seems to be moving in the opposite direction, thinking mouse antibody data is good enough. Now a number of doctors, researchers are swearing: no more boosters till RCT.”

                    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 31st January, 2023, 04:26 PM.


                    • Here is a response by Dr. Alexander to the above Newsweek article.


                      "Kevin Bass, MD, PhD student: If Kevin Bass, medical 'doctor in waiting', thinks this is a mea culpa, that this is another version of AMNESTY by Emily Oster, take this & shove it! Props for this BUT

                      It cannot be as simple as ‘we were wrong’. It cannot. People must be held accountable. If lost lives are traced to a doctor, that doctor must face harsh penalties.

                      No, you knew you were wrong long ago. Your side have gone on power drunk and malfeasant way too long.

                      Start with we will give back every penny we made, in all ways we profited, every salary for every fraud CNN and NBC etc. fraud statement by your talking head fraudulent ‘television medical doctors’ who conspired to mislead and deceive the population into the fraud gene injections, down to Suzie’s summer vacations and the new homes we bought with COVID money and kickbacks from COVID money contracts etc. I mean we need to reverse it all. Start there. We will get to the lives your side took.

                      No amnesty and yes, we really this time want doctors and all those who caused loss of life, all, no matter who, all CDC, NIH, FDA officials, all government officials, all pharma CEOs, all, to face justice and accountability in a real court and it be done right and fair. And we let tribunals and juries of our peers decide, and we want on the table and based on their decisions only, we act only based on them, but we want on the table financial penalties, deep prison time, and up to the death penalty, if a court and judges rule this.

                      Thanks Kevin. I enjoyed the NEWSWEEK opinion letter by you and wish you success and hope that you are not 1% alike any of your colleagues in medical school and those who practice now. Or the typical ‘head up their ass only worried about their grant money’ sellouts in academia’. IMO, these are the real malfeasants of society. We were sold a lie for a century, these are no different than the common thief, yet while he steals to eat a food, your side steals to take lives to keep their jobs, lifestyles, and incomes. And they do not blink once to do it. ssssshhhh, but do not tell anyone about that, it’s our little secret Kevin."


                      • Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
                        Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses - Jefferson, T - 2023 | Cochrane Library

                        "We included 12 trials (10 cluster‐RCTs) comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness (two trials with healthcare workers and 10 in the community). Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks (risk ratio (RR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84 to 1.09; 9 trials, 276,917 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence. Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.42; 6 trials, 13,919 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence). Harms were rarely measured and poorly reported (very low‐certainty evidence)."

                        I want to add that I know many people sic who used the same mask hour after hour, day after day.
                        One of my detractors last year so proudly presented me with the first ever in 40 years newly minted Random Control trial for masks with pro-mask conclusions that did not at all match the data, and it was evident that it was yet another pharma-sponsored fraud! Well, guess what? A reanalysis of that paper in a peer review journal just came out.
                        Masks do not work for aerosolized respiratory viruses and never have. Masking healthy people and especially children, when peer-reviewed literature proved that asymptomatic transmission does not exist was and is a crime against humanity. In surgical theatres, masks are used as splash guards against blood spraying, etc. Nothing to do with viral transmission!
                        For three years, the scientifically uninformed have been lied to!


                        A recent randomized trial evaluated the impact of mask promotion on COVID-19-related outcomes. We find that staff behavior in both unblinded and supposedly blinded steps caused large and statistically significant imbalances in population sizes. These denominator differences constitute the rate differences observed in the trial, complicating inferences of causality."

                        This documentary properly puts the last three years in perspective.

                        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 5th February, 2023, 04:24 PM.


                        • Do You Know Someone with 'Long COVID' and Vaccinated? Here's a Guide for Spike Protein Detox by World Council for Health

                          For those who have had COVID-19 or who have been vaccinated against it, the World Council for Health (WCH) has issued a guideline for “spike protein detox” to eliminate the risk of developing long-term effects from the spike proteins.



                          • Interesting thread.

                            "1) Masking was a non-starter! To the argument “Why do Drs. use them in surgery?” It’s just to keep particulate out of wound field- nothing else! Ritter et al., in 1975, found that “the wearing of a surgical face mask had no effect upon the overall operating room"



                            • Human Health



                              CDC adds Covid-19 shots to list of routine vaccines for kids and adults.


                              ~ Bob A (


                              • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                Human Health



                                CDC adds Covid-19 shots to list of routine vaccines for kids and adults.


                                ~ Bob A (
                                Greater than 50% of the CDC's budget is funded by WEF partner Pfizer and other big pharma partners. Of course, the CDC has no compunction about insisting on injecting kids with toxic substances who are at ZERO risk for COVID.
                                At the end of this MSM CNN will be equally as complicit in crimes against humanity. as Rochelle Walensky of the CDC.


                                ‘Tragic’: CDC Adds Original COVID mRNA Vaccine to Childhood Schedule Despite Known Harms
                                Click image for larger version  Name:	Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 5.31.02 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	584.6 KB ID:	224639

                                “Given all that we have learned about the dangers and ineffectiveness of COVID-19 shots over the last two years, it is horrifying to see the CDC now recommend this as a routine shot to children,” Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president and general counsel told The Defender.

                                “Although it is unsurprising given the level of parma corrupted agency capture, it is nonetheless tragic,” she added."

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2023-02-11 at 9.18.48 AM.png
Views:	53
Size:	882.4 KB
ID:	224666

                                Bob, the level of your ignorance and stupidity is only topped by CNN.
                                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 11th February, 2023, 10:46 AM.

