2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

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  • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

    Originally posted by John Brown View Post
    A firecracker in a paper room would be a bad mistake. No need bringing in a lit fuse into a ammunition dump.

    As a Consultant for the Annex Chess Club I think you must get many calls for start up barbeques.
    I didn't get anything of what you just said...


    • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

      Originally posted by John Brown[QUOTE=Hugh Siddeley View Post
      Instead of sending your concerns (albeit illegitimate ones) privately to the organizers you had to air your dirty laundry here on ChessTalk. So unconstructive and proof that you're a total douchebag.

      When you invited me to your tournament I politely declined. Did I ever take shots at it publicly and broadcast that I in fact had no desire to play in your poxy tournament at your stuffy little apartment? Brampton? Who the hell wants to go out to hell's high acre? Get closer man. Public transport? TTC then Sauga transit? Get real. Gotta do something about that how about limo service? Just not good enough John. We can all play this game. How does it feel?[/QUO
      Good job quoting my quote there. Didn't quite work out for you did it?

      Originally posted by John Brown
      I don't drive and I travel mostly by GO and TTC to get to Toronto and I don't have any trouble getting to Toronto Tournaments.
      Wow, you're confusing me. Didn't you want us to start rounds earlier to accomodate your commute? Something about not wanting to have to rush in like lions to the kill?

      Originally posted by John Brown
      First of all who would want to have a tournament at two different sites anyway?
      Maybe if you were paying attention during the announcements at the Canadian Open you would have heard us mention there is a wedding reception taking place at 918 on the Saturday.

      Originally posted by John Brown
      Out of towners who have never been to Toronto Westin or Bathurst would have a nightmare not to mention the expensive parking near Westin.
      Sometimes People from Toronto don't understand that people from other places are not used to travelling TTC paying HIGH Parking costs and food costs and Hotel costs.
      And this is our problem how? At some point we have to draw the line where we're not responsible for spoonfeeding people any more. Your sense of entitlement is whack.

      Originally posted by John Brown
      you take what people on chess talk say too seriously.
      Oh do I?


      • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

        Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
        The lighting was becoming an issue at one point, I remember my daughter found it very uncomfortable one year ( although we found later she needed new eyeglasses as well ).
        I LOL'd. Good one!


        • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

          Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
          How about for example "it has been improved since" or " it can only get better and it will" or shrewdly explain what will be done to make it "even better" than before? :) Clearly there are ways (good natured humour for example) to answer what you consider "unconstructive" criticism in a constructive way and turn around a potentially damaging challenge to your advantage.
          Solid post Jean. I was beginning to worry about the seemingly large chasm of a gap between your chess skill and your posting skills that was evident from your previous post(s).

          The short answer is the mostly incoherent criticism was coming from some knobhead who has yet to finish his grade 8 even though he's in his senior years. Maybe he can take some inspiration from Ricky from the Trailer Park Boys. He completed his grade 8 years after. There's still hope... OK that doesn't quite cut it. Let's say he was a decent fellow. What he was saying was either insulting or absurd. Just look at this:

          "The tourney will be a pricey flop."
          "I don't really like playing on plastic sets."
          "Bathurst site was the worst site I've ever played at."
          "Westin had poor lighting so is that an upgrade to a larger place?"
          "Rounds are too early because TTC doesn't open early enough to get there."


          • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

            Originally posted by John Brown View Post
            Was Doc Brown a Plastic Pusher. Never saw the Movie I guess.
            What Avatar. Never saw that movie either.
            Doc Brown from Back to the Future. A classic... Not seen Avatar? .... I think you're the only one. I was refering to the avatar of his handle. If you even know what that is...


            • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

              Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
              We used to attend the Macedonian every year. The lighting was becoming an issue at one point, I remember my daughter found it very uncomfortable one year ( although we found later she needed new eyeglasses as well ).
              I sprang for lasik surgery which was fairly cheap at $1000 about a dozen years ago and my vision always comes up 20/20 on my twice a year trips to the eye specialist. I had astigmatism and was looking at a ridiculous sum of money to buy a new pair of contacts and glasses so in effect it only cost me about $500 more than the glasses and contacts would have cost. I think that there is something about the fluorescent lighting that they use at the Macedonian Hall. The absolute level of lighting seemed fine but the room gave me a headache. It may just have had something to do with my health problems but I'm not sure. I haven't had similar feelings about other sites.

              Macadonian brought in a lot of casual players that don't normally play at events. One reason might have been the Amateur entry for $20 in U1700 or U1500. The existance of onsite snacks and coffee is nice too. This is why I again have the opinion, you can build better social networks and larger fields by creating Amateur options. You get families playing ( we brought 3 players several times ). People show up just to see their chess friends.
              The social aspect should not be underestimated as a draw for chess tournaments. I know that I enjoy seeing the familiar faces at many of the tournaments that I attend.

              So I'm going to persist and say why not extend such a policy in some events and offer Amateur options at ALL RATING LEVELS. If it turns out that far too many people want to be Amateurs, thats sending a message that maybe there needs to be more "All Amateur" events and less of these expensive feed the elite players prize money events.
              I think I vaguely recall Bryan Lamb offering such options as recently as two years ago but I could be misremembering.

              Because, ultimately, there just aren't enough tournament players in Canada to support through entry fees any "Pro" players. Trying to cater to an impossible goal might just be sabotaging a lot of other goals.
              I have always liked the following quote and I think it applies to the current situation.

              There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order, this lukewarmness arising partly from fear of their adversaries … and partly from the incredulity of mankind, who do not truly believe in anything new until they have had actual experience of it.

              – Niccolo Machiavelli, "The Prince"

              I think that we should encourage a wide variety of tournament and prize formats to see which ones work best and find those many different niches that will encourage more people to play chess. We don't need to aim for one size fits all. Personally I really like the cheap $10 Windsor tournaments (both the swiss tournaments and the round robins) with a first prize on the order of $15 or $20 and where you play three or four games with people who are close to you in rating. No elite players anywhere in sight but some enjoyable chess is played.

              Of course I also enjoy watching Bator Sambuev or Nikolay Noritsyn play or analyze up close so I think that we do need to throw the elite players some bones. If they all give up chess, we will all be poorer for that fact. Knowing that such players are going to be playing in a tournament certainly encourages me to participate in such an event.


              • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                Originally posted by Hugh Siddeley View Post
                Doc Brown from Back to the Future. A classic... Not seen Avatar? .... I think you're the only one. I was refering to the avatar of his handle. If you even know what that is...
                I haven't seen Avatar yet. I have the Blueray/DVD combo pack but haven't popped it in the player yet.


                • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                  Geez John I don't know what to say. I hope you're able to make it. :) On one of your breaks why don't you head on over to the roulette table and try your luck. Or do they not look kindly at employees playing games there.

                  Originally posted by John Erickson
                  I have never paid to play in a tournament because so and so was playing. I play because I like the competition
                  I hate to nitpick but you're actually contradicting yourself here even though you're apparently not aware of it. Would you come if only 3-year olds were playing? No, you'd come if stronger players turned up. So in essence you're not playing in a tournament because so and so is playing, as in a specific player like a GM or an IM, but yes you're looking to play games against suitable opposition.


                  • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                    I haven't seen Avatar yet. I have the Blueray/DVD combo pack but haven't popped it in the player yet.
                    Oh, do so and get the hankies out! It's too bad you missed it in 3D though.


                    • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                      News Flash for the Labour Day Open

                      We're adding a new section, the Hobo Premier section, hoping to cater to the chess players out there who don't like our current format. Sponsored by Old Spice. The deoderant for smelly chess dudes. This section will be played in the chess park at Queen and Church. Morning round starts at noon to allow plenty of time to sleep in and allowing a more leisurely ride on the TTC as they'd surely be open by then. No complaining about the lighting here, the Sun will illuminate your game. The $20 entry fee also gets you a couple of contraband smokes and a nice little spliff to boot. Who's in?


                      • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                        Originally posted by Hugh Siddeley View Post
                        News Flash for the Labour Day Open

                        We're adding a new section, the Hobo Premier section, hoping to cater to the chess players out there who don't like our current format. Sponsored by Old Spice. The deoderant for smelly chess dudes. This section will be played in the chess park at Queen and Church. Morning round starts at noon to allow plenty of time to sleep in and allowing a more leisurely ride on the TTC as they'd surely be open by then. No complaining about the lighting here, the Sun will illuminate your game. The $20 entry fee also gets you a couple of contraband smokes and a nice little spliff to boot. Who's in?
                        I hope they have you as the Tournament Director. We Wouldn't want any one else. With your skills as a Consultant they would not to go to waste on this Top Notch Labour Day Open Hobo Premier Tournament. Will you be providing Wall charts on the Trees? When can the chess talkers see the updated flyer. Do we pay with used butts or do you want pennies from out hats?
                        Will the pairings be posted in the Annex Chess Club Washroom?
                        Last edited by John Brown; Thursday, 4th August, 2011, 07:19 AM. Reason: additions to post


                        • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                          Originally posted by Marcus Wilker View Post
                          I admit that it's easier to construe criticism as constructive when it's expressed pleasantly. But I'm willing to look behind the sometimes unpleasant expression to find value in John's prolific contribution to this thread. If players lied and never spoke up, maybe playing conditions would never improve, and we'd lose players, players who "simply prefer to quit silently," without the chess community even knowing why.

                          However, shouldn't that door swing both ways? Chess needs organizers as well as players. Can we do Hugh the same favour? Maybe we can look behind his hostile expressions to find "useful information" in "opinions whose honesty we can be certain of."

                          Why should players be encouraged to be intolerant of inadequate lighting and a hot environment when they play, while organizers are told they just have to "get used to" inadequate respect and a hot environment on ChessTalk when they organize?

                          Maybe in the case of us organizers, too, it's good someone is complaining, albeit in an over-hostile manner, "especially if no one else has the courage to say it." If organizers always lie and never speak up, if they hypocritically say, "the experience is great," when they actually think the opposite, maybe organizing conditions will never improve and we'll lose organizers, organizers who "simply prefer to quit silently," without the chess community even knowing why.
                          Well Marcus;
                          Let's hope the banter on here has brought you in some early entries.
                          I'll be there so you will have my entry support for the event.


                          • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                            Originally posted by Hugh Siddeley View Post
                            News Flash for the Labour Day Open

                            We're adding a new section, the Hobo Premier section, hoping to cater to the chess players out there who don't like our current format. Sponsored by Old Spice. The deoderant for smelly chess dudes. This section will be played in the chess park at Queen and Church. Morning round starts at noon to allow plenty of time to sleep in and allowing a more leisurely ride on the TTC as they'd surely be open by then. No complaining about the lighting here, the Sun will illuminate your game. The $20 entry fee also gets you a couple of contraband smokes and a nice little spliff to boot. Who's in?
                            Hey Hugh, For the Hobo Premier Section, Is Finito Master getting an appearance fee?


                            • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                              Originally posted by Larry Castle View Post
                              Hey Hugh, For the Hobo Premier Section, Is Finito Master getting an appearance fee?
                              LOL !
                              If Finito Master gives 8 pawn odds, I want front row seats!

                              Alex F.


                              • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                                Originally posted by Hugh Siddeley View Post
                                Solid post Jean. I was beginning to worry about the seemingly large chasm of a gap between your chess skill and your posting skills that was evident from your previous post(s)".
                                I am glad to see that you have no such problem. No discernable gaps between your ... "skills".

