2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

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  • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

    Originally posted by Alex Ferreira View Post

    Without trying to make it sound like all honey and roses or blindly support the organizers, I think the ACC has come a long way. And sure I think constructive criticism is important. Having said that, this group went from nothing to something quite stable and a driving force in Toronto chess, in less than a year. That ought to be worth something! These guys are doing things right (surely with improvements to be made as everyone who is starting out). It only makes sense to support the initiative, and see what they come up with, where they take us, and how this will enrich the community.

    Barring any unforeseen situation, I will play in the Labour Day.
    See you there,

    Alex F.
    Thanks, Alex.

    We've got a great team of organizers, a great landlord, and a great group of players coming out to Annex Chess Club on Monday nights: lots of chess families, new players joining almost every week, high-class visitors dropping in, and rarely ever a complaint. Lots of love being shared all round. Maybe that's why the reaction on ChessTalk has come as such a shock to us :)
    Marcus Wilker
    Annex Chess Club
    Toronto, Ontario


    • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

      Originally posted by Marcus Wilker View Post
      Maybe that's why the reaction on ChessTalk has come as such a shock to us :)
      Hmmm.... :)
      I guess you weren't a regular here prior.
      90% of posts on chesstalk are empty and useless in content. Whining, complaining and personal attacks are a form of sport for many.
      Having said that... there are a lot more readers than posters who have learned over the years to come here for entertainment, as opposed to finding information.
      Welcome :p


      • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

        Originally posted by Marcus Wilker View Post
        Why should players be encouraged to be intolerant of inadequate lighting and a hot environment when they play, while organizers are told they just have to "get used to" inadequate respect and a hot environment on ChessTalk when they organize?
        By nature customers (players) are not and should not be very tolerant. They want to get their money's worth and then some, which is quite legitimate. The bad customers from the sellers point of view should be those who do not complain but simply take their business elsewhere. These are soon former customers. Of course doing the complaining in a polite and respectful manner is quite commendable, but it is just as difficult to do than taking the criticism in the same manner, as Hugh S. has shown "admirably" in this thread.
        Players should not be encouraged to tolerate inadequate lightning and other bad conditions if that ruins their chess experience. They should take their business elsewhere. This is how things are most likely to improve.


        • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

          Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
          By nature customers (players) are not and should not be very tolerant. They want to get their money's worth and then some, which is quite legitimate. The bad customers from the sellers point of view should be those who do not complain but simply take their business elsewhere. These are soon former customers. Of course doing the complaining in a polite and respectful manner is quite commendable, but it is just as difficult to do than taking the criticism in the same manner, as Hugh S. has shown "admirably" in this thread.
          Players should not be encouraged to tolerate inadequate lightning and other bad conditions if that ruins their chess experience. They should take their business elsewhere. This is how things are most likely to improve.
          I wasn't saying players shouldn't complain; I was granting your point as far as that goes. I was just pointing out an apparent double standard: why are Hugh and organizers in general being told, "Get used to the heat," while players' complaints about discomfort in any form, expressed in any manner, is supposed to be of such immense value for its rare honesty. Aren't organizers the ones who are more rarely honest (except perhaps amongst themselves) about the way they feel about how certain players treat them?

          I think there are limits to your business analogy, as there are salient differences between the customer/business relationship and the Canadian chess scene.

          Customer complaints are usually about not having received the goods or service they had been led to expect, but it is their willingness to cover the business's costs, and to contribute to its profit, that gives them the right to complain. Customers would never ask for the place of business to be free or donated, and for all the profits to be returned to them as prizes.

          A member of the chess community, on the other hand, might be well within reason to make an analogous suggestion. It might or might not be a good suggestion, but in its form it is not completely absurd. Chess players' complaints are calling on a dream of what our community could or should become - they are social, political, or religious in nature, if you take those terms as generally as possible.
          Marcus Wilker
          Annex Chess Club
          Toronto, Ontario


          • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

            Originally posted by Jean Hébert
            By nature customers (players) are not and should not be very tolerant.
            I guess it takes one to know one.

            Originally posted by Jean Hébert
            They should take their business elsewhere.
            Bravo! I agree! Why spend so much time and effort complaining when you can take your business elsewhere? That is the question.

            Anyway Jean large gap again, Grand Canyon-like... Maybe in your country there is an abundance of red carpet lying around, over here we're in short supply.


            • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

              Originally posted by Larry Castle View Post
              Hey Hugh, For the Hobo Premier Section, Is Finito Master getting an appearance fee?
              Of course! He's always asking for money. Him and Charlie Brown are our headliners.


              • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                Originally posted by Alex Ferreira View Post
                Hmmm.... :)
                I guess you weren't a regular here prior.
                90% of posts on chesstalk are empty and useless in content. Whining, complaining and personal attacks are a form of sport for many.
                Having said that... there are a lot more readers than posters who have learned over the years to come here for entertainment, as opposed to finding information.
                Welcome :p
                I've removed my ideas on Amateur entries. There doesn't seem to be much interest in reform in Canadian chess, within the CFC rated segment. I'm fine with it, there comes a point where you have to accept the true nature of a situation.


                • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                  Originally posted by John Brown
                  I hope they have you as the Tournament Director.
                  No tournament director, not enough to pay for one with the bargain-priced entry fee.

                  Originally posted by John Brown
                  Will you be providing Wall charts on the Trees? When can the chess talkers see the updated flyer. Do we pay with used butts or do you want pennies from out hats? Will the pairings be posted in the Annex Chess Club Washroom?
                  More questions and demands. Beggars can't be choosers. Just show up, you'll be right at home.


                  • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                    Originally posted by Marcus Wilker View Post
                    I wasn't saying players shouldn't complain; I was granting your point as far as that goes. I was just pointing out an apparent double standard: why are Hugh and organizers in general being told, "Get used to the heat," while players' complaints about discomfort in any form, expressed in any manner, is supposed to be of such immense value for its rare honesty. Aren't organizers the ones who are more rarely honest (except perhaps amongst themselves) about the way they feel about how certain players treat them?

                    I think there are limits to your business analogy, as there are salient differences between the customer/business relationship and the Canadian chess scene.

                    Customer complaints are usually about not having received the goods or service they had been led to expect, but it is their willingness to cover the business's costs, and to contribute to its profit, that gives them the right to complain. Customers would never ask for the place of business to be free or donated, and for all the profits to be returned to them as prizes.

                    A member of the chess community, on the other hand, might be well within reason to make an analogous suggestion. It might or might not be a good suggestion, but in its form it is not completely absurd. Chess players' complaints are calling on a dream of what our community could or should become - they are social, political, or religious in nature, if you take those terms as generally as possible.
                    Welcome to the chess community where no good deed goes unpunished. I suspect that you are going to have a great and successful tournament run in a professional manner as Bryan Lamb directed events always are. I look forward to participating in this event and the next few at this site. Organizers do a great job with the resources that they have available. I would have played in another event at the site despite the original non-ideal conditions because I knew the organizers were doing what they could to deal with the problems. The lighting was only a factor in the games that ran late when you didn't get ambient light from the windows and the organizers did bring in some lights to help alleviate that.


                    • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                      Hi Hugh:

                      I have run the Niagara Falls Open for ten years and have a player asked if they could have a free entry into the tournament. This isn't a player of John Brown's strength, but someone who is in the top 50 players in Canada. I will not mention this players name, so don't even asked. There are a few people who do know. They ask about 3 or 4 days prior. I don't give them one. John Brown has never asked you for a free entry and most likely will be paying the posted fee to play.

                      You said that I contradicted myself, but I will disagree with you. I said I like the competition and playing against three year olds would NOT be competition. I have never entered a tournament based on what high rated player has decided to play. I have played golf and spend what I feel is a rate I can feel comfortable to pay. The difference is know there is no prize or any incentive to play except that I want to.

                      I also believe that YOU are the voice of the Labour Day tournament. You may not be the official voice of the tournament, but by responding you have become that voice. Most of the comments here are based on what you have said defending the tournament.

                      You are generalizing the general population. I may not like the rate of the Labour Day tournament, but I would not play in the Hobo tournament or whatever you called it. I don't smoke and have never tried one puff in my life. I know you will find that hard to believe, but it's the truth.

                      I also haven't seen Avatar either and have no interest. I haven't gone out to a movie for about two or three years.

                      What John Brown has been saying is for the lower rated players to get some relief in their entry fees or give them the same prize fund as everyone who pays the same rate.

                      John Erickson


                      • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                        What do you organizers think about giving free entries (and other benefits) to certain (normally "strong") players? Do you give free entries in order to heighten the "prestige" of the tournament (try to impress the media), and hope to attract players who can say: "I played in a tournament and GM 'X' was there", or "I played GM 'X' in a tournament"?

                        Or do you not give free entries? Sure - the GM's and others may stay away, but the IM's and FM's (who might not have shown up otherwise) may show up simply to collect the prize monies that the GM's normally would have picked up.


                        • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                          Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
                          What do you organizers think about giving free entries (and other benefits) to certain (normally "strong") players? Do you give free entries in order to heighten the "prestige" of the tournament (try to impress the media), and hope to attract players who can say: "I played in a tournament and GM 'X' was there", or "I played GM 'X' in a tournament"?

                          Or do you not give free entries? Sure - the GM's and others may stay away, but the IM's and FM's (who might not have shown up otherwise) may show up simply to collect the prize monies that the GM's normally would have picked up.
                          This is an interesting topic, probably worthy of its own thread.


                          • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                            Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                            Welcome to the chess community where no good deed goes unpunished. I suspect that you are going to have a great and successful tournament run in a professional manner as Bryan Lamb directed events always are. I look forward to participating in this event and the next few at this site. Organizers do a great job with the resources that they have available. I would have played in another event at the site despite the original non-ideal conditions because I knew the organizers were doing what they could to deal with the problems. The lighting was only a factor in the games that ran late when you didn't get ambient light from the windows and the organizers did bring in some lights to help alleviate that.
                            Thanks, Vlad.
                            Marcus Wilker
                            Annex Chess Club
                            Toronto, Ontario


                            • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                              Originally posted by John Brown View Post
                              Well Marcus;
                              Let's hope the banter on here has brought you in some early entries.
                              I'll be there so you will have my entry support for the event.
                              Thanks, John.
                              Marcus Wilker
                              Annex Chess Club
                              Toronto, Ontario


                              • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                                Originally posted by John Brown View Post
                                Well Marcus;
                                Let's hope the banter on here has brought you in some early entries.
                                I'll be there so you will have my entry support for the event.
                                Great John! Let's go for beers on one of the nights. I'll get the first round in.

