COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Fred Harvey View Post
    On the other hand, two scientists have just snagged a Nobel Prize for original work on vaccines! Who to believe, who to believe?
    Their discovery was made long before the c19 vaccines, and their research was related to gene therapy not working on "vaccines," although that is what the c19 "vaccines" are. The c19 vaccines do not stop infection., or transmission in any way, shape, or form and are purported to slow down the progression of the disease; hence it is just another therapeutic and not a vaccine in any way, shape, or form.
    None of this supports a contradiction; hence, the statement "who to believe" makes no sense.

    Here is what the Nobel Committee stated;
    "RNA contains four bases, abbreviated A, U, G, and C, corresponding to A, T, G, and C in DNA, the letters of the genetic code. Karikó and Weissman knew that bases in RNA from mammalian cells are frequently chemically modified, while in vitro transcribed mRNA is not. They wondered if the absence of altered bases in the in vitro transcribed RNA could explain the unwanted inflammatory reaction. To investigate this, they produced different variants of mRNA, each with unique chemical alterations in their bases, which they delivered to dendritic cells. The results were striking: The inflammatory response was almost abolished when base modifications were included in the mRNA. This was a paradigm change in our understanding of how cells recognize and respond to different forms of mRNA. Karikó and Weissman immediately understood that their discovery had profound significance for using mRNA as therapy. These seminal results were published in 2005, fifteen years before the COVID-19 pandemic."

    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 2nd October, 2023, 03:26 PM.


    • This post is by former Premiere Brian Peckford and the last living signatory of The Candian Charter of Rights.



      I thought she was against this!

      Experimental , no long term studies , no liability , world wide millions of adverse reactions from taking the vaccines and thousands dead. Government agencies in the USA and Europe are reporting this.

      She actually interviewed me about violations of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that Governments were engaged in by coercing people just before she ran for the leadership of her Party?

      And now she is the Premier and her Government through her Minster of Health is announcing as reported by the Calgary Herald”

      ‘ Albertans will be able to start booking appointments for influenza and COVID-19 vaccines beginning Oct. 10.

      In a news release Thursday, the government announced that the shots will be available at Alberta Health Services clinics and pharmacies starting Oct. 16. Booking appointments can be done during the previous week through the online Alberta Vaccine Booking System at, by calling 811, or directly through clinics or pharmacies.’

      It goes on to say :

      ‘The government said that ahead of that, starting next Tuesday, Albertans living in congregate care will be able to access respiratory virus vaccinations through their facilities. However, it did not provide details.

      The release also didn’t provide any specific information about who is eligible beginning Oct. 16, but encouraged Albertans to help limit the spread of infection by staying at home when feeling sick, washing their hands frequently, covering coughs and disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces.

      “Albertans can also choose to wear a well-fitting mask in crowded indoor spaces to help reduce the risk of becoming sick and help protect others from being exposed. Albertans are encouraged to speak with their primary care provider if they have questions or concerns about immunizations,” the release said.

      Health Canada announced it had approved Moderna’s latest Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine for Canadians six months or older, formulated for the XBB.1.5 Omicron variant, two weeks ago.’

      And doesn’t this sound like former Premier Kenny’s Chief Medical Health Officer and his former Minister of Health:

      “Dr. Mark Joffe, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, said in the release being immunized for influenza and COVID-19 can help protect Albertans and those most at risk for severe disease.

      “Taking steps to prevent viral infections will also improve an individual’s overall health,” he said.

      “Health Minister Adriana LaGrange, who on Wednesday declined to say whether she would get a COVID-19 shot, said keeping up with immunizations is an excellent way to protect yourself against the respiratory illness season.

      “Doing what you can to prevent severe illness will also help secure our health care system for those who need it most,” she said.

      Doesn’t this sound like the statements made by Governments at the beginning of the fabricated covid pandemic ?

      Obviously they have not read The book “Turtles All The Way Down —Vaccine Science and Myth.’

      Nor have they studied the work of real medical scientists like Dr. Peter McCullough who recently appeared before the European Parliament and said:

      Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough asked European lawmakers to take COVID-19 vaccines off the market, warning that the vaccines are responsible for a host of illnesses, including heart inflammation, blood clots, and neurological diseases.”

      These elected and appointed people hide the damage these vaccines have caused in scores of independent studies. This information should be front and center so that people will have all the information to decide what if anything they should do.

      Where is the cost benefit analysis ? Where is the test of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of ‘ demonstrably justify’ and ‘a free and democratic society?’

      Where is being guided by the supremacy of God and the rule of law?

      Isn’t the Smith Government appointed Covid Inquiry supposed to provide a report on mistakes in the past and recommend better ways to respond in the future .

      Why is the Government getting ahead of the Inquiry findings ? Sabotaging the Inquiry!

      Has the Inquiry held any public hearings?

      Alberta’s promise of following independent science , opposed to irrationality, fear and against coercion has been broken.


      • Covid Vaccines: The Great Travesty Against Mankind

        By Vasko Kohlmayer

        October 21, 2023

        “More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population,” observed the New York Times in March of this year.

        In other words, in the space of twenty-seven months (since the beginning of the rollout), the vaccinators had managed to inject nearly two thirds of the world’s inhabitants with their COVID medicaments. Furthermore, the majority of the vaccinated were subjected to more than one dose. In total more than 13.5 billion injections were administered across the planet.

        To pull this off in such a short period of time makes the COVID vaccination campaign one of the most impressive logistical and organizational feats ever accomplished.

        A fatal flaw, however, has marred the whole COVID vaccination enterprise: it was a blatant fraud from beginning to end.

        To begin with, the whole thing was based on a false premise. We were told that in SARS-CoV-2 we were up against a highly dangerous virus that posed a potentially lethal threat to those who contracted it and that vaccines were the only sure way to escape the scourge. This was a lie. For healthy people of productive age the infection fatality rate was about as high as that of the seasonal flu. For healthy children and young people the danger of a serious outcome was virtually nil.

        Lauded as both “safe and effective,” the vaccines turned out to be anything but that. To begin with, it quickly became quite clear that the vaccines would not protect against infection. Only some five months after the start of the vaccination campaign, the authorities started speaking about the need for a booster. This obviously meant that the initial two doses of Pfizer and Moderna (one in the case of Johnson & Johnson) failed to protect their recipients from the SARS-CoV-2 virus beyond a very limited amount of time.

        But the first booster also failed to confer any lasting protection and soon a second booster was required. The second booster, however, proved as ineffective as the first booster and a third booster was said to be necessary. But the third booster also failed, and a fourth booster was needed.

        Currently, we are on the sixth shot and counting. And this less than 34 months after the COVID vaccines were first introduced. In other words, to keep fully vaccinated as per recommendations from our health authorities, one would have had to have been injected every five months or so.

        But even those who got every booster on schedule were not protected against contracting COVID-19. We learn from the website of the Mayo Clinic: “People who are up to date on their vaccines can get breakthrough infections. They can then spread the virus to others.”

        When pressed about this issue during a hearing of the European Parliament in October of last year, a Pfizer representative admitted that the company had never tested the vaccines to see whether they would prevent transmission.

        What an astonishing admission that was. The objective of vaccines has always been to protect their recipients from the disease for which they were administered thus limiting the spread of infection in the population.

        The COVID-19 “vaccines” are the first vaccines in history that do neither protect against infection nor slow its spread.

        Do you remember when Joe Biden promised us during a Townhall meeting in 2021 that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

        Turns out this was a massive lie. It was brazen disinformation coming from the very top of the US government.

        The majority of the injected came down with COVID and most of them more than once. In fact, it appears that getting “vaccinated” against COVID increases one’s chances of contracting COVID. Just ask Joe and Jill Biden who despite being jabbed multiple times have been repeatedly sickened with the disease.

        We must ask ourselves, “What kind of vaccines are these?” Never has the world witnessed such a thing — vaccines that require a booster every few months and apparently make their recipients more likely to fall ill with the very disease against which they are supposed to protect.

        Neither will the vaccines protect people from serious COVID outcomes. The majority of people who get serious COVID or die of COVID have been vaccinated. That the vaccines are grossly ineffective is becoming clear even to most of those who were previously brainwashed by our corrupt governments and medical authorities. A study published earlier this month found that “uptake of boosters has stalled in the United States at less than 20% of the eligible population.” Please note that the 20% uptake figure refers to only the eligible population. This means that only a small fraction of the whole population has opted to receive the COVID injections. Only 17% of Americans chose to receive the previous booster. This time around the number will be even lower. By now most people have seen through the fraud.

        Not only are the vaccines ineffective, but they are also very dangerous. Since the rollout of the vaccination campaign, there has been an explosion of adverse reaction reports across the world. In the United States, the reports related to the COVID shots in the VAERS database exceed those related to all the other vaccines combined. There is no doubt that the COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines ever devised and that by a long shot.

        Already early in 2022, there were more than one thousand articles and studies published in scientific journals discussing the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. Some of the effects listed include conditions such as pericarditis, myopericarditis, death, Guillain-Barre syndrome, acute venous thromboembolism, lymphadenopathy, acute thrombosis of the coronary tree, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, portal vein thrombosis, T-cell lymphoma, aphasia, and thrombophilia among others.

        The wider public, however, was never informed about these studies by our government and the medical establishment, both of which are corrupted to the core.

        According to a survey conducted by Rasmussen at the end of last year, nearly 30 percent of Americans thought they knew someone who had been killed by a COVID vaccine. This number is undoubtedly much higher today as we keep hearing the news of healthy people who keep inexplicably dying. The stories of hundreds of healthy athletes who have been collapsing and dying since the beginning of the vaccination campaign are especially revealing.

        According to researcher Steve Kirsch the death rate of the COVID vaccines is roughly 1 in 1000 doses. This translates into 676,000 dead Americans. It turns out, however, that Kirsch’s analysis, which is based on a breakdown of VAERS figures, may be too conservative. Working with data from 17 countries on all-cause mortality, researchers with Canada-based Correlation Research in the Public Interest have come to the conclusion that the death rate of the COVID-19 shots is somewhere in the region of 1 in 800 doses. They estimate that the vaccines have killed some 17 million people worldwide.

        As a point of comparison, the number of people exterminated by the Nazis in the Holocaust was about 6 million.

        If even the most conservative estimates are correct, the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, the bulk of which was carried out under false pretences and coercive mandates, constitutes the greatest crime ever committed against humanity.

        Unbelievably, so far no one — either in government or in the medical establishment — has been held responsible for this travesty.


        • This is an insanely awesome presentation given before the European Union Parliament in Brussels by Dr. David Martin!!!

          Please watch this video and hug your loved ones!

          So very thankful that I didn't fall for the hype!!

          Nor the threats!!

          Still ... not vaccinated, ha!

          Last edited by Neil Frarey; Tuesday, 31st October, 2023, 02:53 AM.


          • Wearing masks works (Scientifc American Newsletter - Today in Science - Nov 1, 2023)

            Mask Confusion
            After years of masking policies meant to prevent the spread of COVID, the public recently was misled by a review study that gave the false impression that masking didn't help, writes Naomi Oreskes, a historian of science at Harvard University. After evaluating randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on masking, the study authors concluded that wearing surgical masks “probably makes little or no difference” and that the value of N95 masks is “very uncertain.” In fact, Oreskes writes, there is strong evidence that masks work to prevent the spread of respiratory illness. It just doesn't come from RCTs.

            The report in question: The group's report was published by Cochrane, an organization that issues “systematic” reviews of scientific evidence relevant to health care. The Cochrane Library’s editor in chief said that the report had not concluded that “masks don't work.” Rather the review of studies of masking concluded that the “results were inconclusive.”

            The takeaway: Other strong evidence, in epidemiological studies, suggests that masks do work to prevent the spread of respiratory illness. As Oreskes writes: “We often think of proof as a yes-or-no proposition, but in science, proof is a matter of discernment.”
            Referring to an article published May 25, 2023:

            Masks Work. Distorting Science to Dispute the Evidence Doesn't - Scientific American


            • Wearing masks helps with any air-borne disease - COVID-19; Flu; etc.

              The issue is balancing inconvenience against actual risk/consequences.

              Bob A


              • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                Wearing masks helps with any air-borne disease - COVID-19; Flu; etc.

                The issue is balancing inconvenience against actual risk/consequences.

                Bob A

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                We hope you find the above very short video by Chris Schaefer enlightening. He clearly demonstrates how the current mask ill-practice is hazardous to the mindfulness and health of the people. Why then are such poor, dangerous, and ineffective practices being mandated by world governments and corporate bodies?


                • There are certainly some downsides to wearing masks.........otherwise we'd all be wearing them always.....not natural to wear a mask.

                  It is, as I maintained, a cost/benefit analysis for each individual.

                  It depends how serious the consequences of certain air-borne illnesses are to that particular individual.........death certainly seems serious enough?

                  Then one has to factor in the negatives......if the negative of a mask is immediate death (No scientific evidence of this for most people), then I guess you choose which way you want to die.

                  I hate the N95. But my old cloth one is ineffective according to research......even doubling the old ones.

                  So I have to balance the serious consequence to me of getting COVID-19 (Senior Diabetic II), especially the new HIV.1 variant (Have I got this right), for which you need Shot # 7(not just the "Booster") against the risk of being maskless in most circumstances, and the inconvenience.

                  Decision: Wear Mask where high people concentration inside (More in winter); otherwise not (I do have my shots & therefore some immunity); do wear in medical context where risk is higher.

                  Is this analysis unreasonable?

                  Bob A


                  • Wow ... shot #7? You folks are all the way up to 7 shots?

                    The total amount of volume from #1 thru #7 that has been injected into your bodies must be rather a lot.


                    • I'm still alive, I guess.........had COVID-19 twice and it wasn't too bad, despite my being in highest fatalities group.

                      Bob A


                      • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                        I'm still alive, I guess.........had COVID-19 twice and it wasn't too bad, despite my being in highest fatalities group.

                        Bob A
                        Did you feel gaslit, ignored, and dismissed by elected officials for telling your truth about COVID-19 vaccine injuries? You don't want to miss the NCI's reconvening of the hearings next week on Tuesday, November 28, when we will be releasing the complete commissioners report! It's time to take action, Canada! Discover how you can make a difference by visiting #NCI #Canada #cdnpoli #TakeAction #NeitherSafeNorEffective #COVID19


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                        • Below is the official statement from Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo calling for a halt on the use of mRNA Vaccines.

                          This statement can be found on the Florida Dept. of Health website, dated Wednesday - January 3, 2024.


                          • COVID-19 - 2023-4 Surge!!

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                            "There’s a Huge Covid Surge Right Now and Nobody Is Talking About It
                            The US is in the midst of the largest Covid surge since Omicron, but with minimal testing and good population immunity, the wave is largely being ignored."


                            Bob A (Anthropogenicist)


                            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                              COVID-19 - 2023-4 Surge!!

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                              "There’s a Huge Covid Surge Right Now and Nobody Is Talking About It
                              The US is in the midst of the largest Covid surge since Omicron, but with minimal testing and good population immunity, the wave is largely being ignored."


                              Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
                              As per Dr William Makis:

                              My Take….

                              I have read through many articles and posts and have digested the Propaganda so you don’t have to.

                              There is a desperation about the “JN.1” variant, by the COVID Cartel - it seems to be one last effort to scare substantial numbers of people into taking their COVID booster shots, before a probable “escalation”.

                              The earlier part of this effort, let’s call it “Phase 1” was the marketing campaign for people to get their COVID-19 jab with their flu jab - this was pushed heavily by politicians and celebrities.

                              The COVID & flu jab campaign only got about 10-15% of people to take the new COVID-19 jabs, far short of the 50% that Big pharma was targeting (flu jab uptake is 50% and the “double jab” was meant to be a new normal for “annual shots”).

                              Phase 1 failed. One more round of poison for 50% of the population didn’t work.

                              Phase 2 is the JN.1 Variant. Heavily mutated (30+ mutations in spike region), rapidly spreading (predictions of up to 2 million infections per day in the US at the peak), but not particularly dangerous (yet).

                              The “hospitals are overflowing” and nursing home outbreaks propaganda is coming mainly from Australia and Canada, not as much the US. In fact, past 2 days, I am seeing a lot of “overflowing ERs” with “unacceptable waiting times” in various Canadian provinces. Canadians are petrified. There is a reason for this controlled chaos.

                              Who is struggling with JN.1? The recently COVID Vaccinated and the 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x jabbed. The 2x and 3x jabbed may have recovered from immune dysfunction.

                              Since governments refuse to give data on vaccine status of those in the hospital, assume that close to 100% of the hospitalized are vaccinated whose immune systems are severely damaged.

                              Still, deaths from JN.1 are uncommon. So instead, the fear mongering focuses on “Long COVID” and suddenly “Long COVID” is the new HIV.

                              According to big pharma MD Eric Topol, COVID Vaccines reduce Long COVID by 40-50%. So if you don’t get the new jab, you’ll end up with Long COVID which is like HIV.

                              In reality, if you take the jab, you will end up with a destroyed immune system like HIV.

                              Add in the subliminal messaging of the “HV-1” variant in Australia that looks very much like “HIV-1”.

                              I do believe we’re nearing the end of Phase 2, and they will continue to try to force mask mandates throughout US and Canada.

                              A more uniform rollout of mask mandates would set the stage for Phase 3 and possible lockdowns due to a “black swan event”.

                              The warning signs (which I will cover in the next substack):
                              • Jan.17, 2024 - WEF Davos Conference Session on “Disease X”
                              • Feb.2024 - Google warns of “sensitive event” (civil emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, terrorism, mass acts of violence, etc)
                              • May 2024 - WHO Pandemic Treaty"

                              "The World Economic Forum would like you to believe that all of the back to back ‘Pandemics’ are from ‘Climate Change’ when they’re actually coming from Biological Weapons Labs. We didn’t vote for their Scams…and we certainly didn’t vote for the son of a Decorated Nazi."


                              Click image for larger version

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                              • WEF preparing for "Disease X"

                                News that the World Economic Forum is planning a meeting to prepare for an unknown disease has caused uproar.

                                PETER IMANUELSEN
                                JAN 12, 2024




                                Photo by Evangeline Shaw on Unsplash
                                Soon the billionaires and elites will be flying on their private jets, emitting enormous amounts of CO2, heading towards Davos.

                                Of course, they aren't the only ones heading to Davos...Last year it was reported that escort services are in high demand during the annual World Economic Forum meeting.

                                Here of course, they will be mingling and rubbing shoulders together, planning on how to control your life, how the powerful can become even more powerful. How the rich can become even richer.

                                What will they be talking about in their yearly elite meetings? Well, The World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab has announced that next week they will be holding a meeting called "Preparing for Disease X".

                                They have invited speakers which include Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who leads the WHO, the leader at Big Pharma company AstraZeneca and the European editor-in-chief at Politico.

                                Basically we have the WEF meeting together with Big Pharma and the mainstream media planning for this unknown "Disease X".

                                Why is the mainstream media in on it?

                                They warn that this new disease could be 20 times more deadly that covid.

                                The WHO, who have been busy planning the new pandemic treaty, have also been talking about this "Disease X".

                                In case you haven't heard, if the pandemic treaty goes through as intended, it would mean that the WHO gets power to implement lockdowns, introduce vaccine passports, quarantines and even censor things that they deem to be "misinformation".
                                Are you ready for "The New Agenda"?

                                PETER IMANUELSEN
                                JULY 28, 2023

                                The elites are working on a new agenda and you were not told about it. They call it “The New Agenda”. You might have heard about it by another name, namely Agenda 2030. Thought you could avoid getting brainwashed by throwing away your TV and not watching the news? Well, think again. Now they are pushing “The New Agenda” on your phone.
                                Read full story
                                Is this what they will be talking about at the WEF meeting, planning the next set of tyrannical measures for this unknown disease?

                                Last year I held a speech outside the UN headquarters at a protest in Geneva against the WHO pandemic treaty that you can watch on my Rumble channel here:
                                Free speech.

                                Of course, they also have a meeting about freedom of expression and how "disinformation...are among the elements deepening the dire environment for the press"

                                The word "disinformation" in this context merely means anything that goes against the mainstream narrative. And that is bad for the mainstream media they say. Who will be speaking at this meeting? Among others the chief at the media outlet Deutsche Welle and the chief at New York Times.

